
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the jakeroid/yii2-liqugallery-widget package instead.

Simple gallery widget with AJAX upload and main image option 2021-07-11 18:49 UTC


The project is abandoned! You can use it at your own risk.

Simple gallery widget with AJAX upload and main image option. Could be useful if you want to manage images on the back office side.

How to install?

Just run the following command.

composer require jakeroid/yii2-liqugallery-widget

How to use?

It is JavaScript wrapped in yii2 widget. All you need is to create a handler in the controller and specify the path to it. Here is some example.

        'label' => 'Editor gallery',
        'content' => jakeroid\liqugallerywidget\LiquGalleryWidget::widget([
            'handler_url' => Url::to(['liqugallery-back-office/handle']),
            'custom_params' => [
                LiquGalleryParams::GALLERY_GROUP_ID => ($model->source->gallery) ? $model->source->gallery->id : false,
                LiquGalleryParams::IMAGE_TYPE => \app\models\DbImage::TYPE_EDITOR_IMAGE,