
A tool for taking partial database dumps and scripting datbases

3.0.5 2023-06-16 02:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-16 04:21:25 UTC


A tool for taking partial and minified database snapshots for testing and development purpose.

Instead of taking a full database dump, you can filter which rows you want to dump in order to come up with a downsized database snapshot.


To install and run datashot you must have:

  • PHP >= 5.6 with PDO extension
  • zlib PHP extension for gzip compression
  • MySQL client (mysql and mysqldump on path)
  • Gzip on path
  • Composer dependency manager


Install it as a regular package via composer:

composer require jairocgr/datashot


You can call it as a command line tool:

php vendor/bin/datashot --help

Getting Started

With datashot you can filter which rows you want to dump to come up with a much smaller database dump.

You can reduce ginormous multi-gigabyte databases in to a small gziped file ready to be restored in to staging and local develoment environments.

This kind of power come up handy for troubleshooting production bugs and all arround better development experience with real life data that best reflects your application usage than a mocked or seeded schema.

With datashot you can for instance take a database dump with only the orders from the current quarter.

You can also perform other operations like:

  • Fully replicate databases from a host to another,
  • restore existant dumps to a database hosts, and
  • upload/download dumps from a SFTP or S3 repositories via cp command.


The first step is to setup the datashot.config.php file in the root of your application repository.

This is the configuration file where you set the database hosts, passwords and the SQL WHERE clauses in order to slice the database down.

For a more complete and commented and configuration file see the sample datashot.config.php file inside this repository root directory

Database Hosts

You have to configure all your database in order to be able to work with it.

return [

  'database_servers' => [

    // A database server called 'live1'
    'live1' => [
      // Only mysql for now, maby postgres in the future
      'driver'   => 'mysql',

      // The env function will read from the environment or .env file
      'socket'   => env('MYSQL56_SOCKET', ''),
      'host'     => env('MYSQL56_HOST', 'localhost'),
      'port'     => env('MYSQL56_PORT', 3306),

      'user'     => env('MYSQL56_USER', 'root'),
      'password' => env('MYSQL56_PASSWORD', 'root'),

      // If you mark it as a 'production' server, a confirmation question
      // will be pronted in every execution and no drop action will
      // be performed for safety reasons
      'production' => TRUE


You have to set the repositories where you will store the dumps.

return [

  'repositories' => [
    'local' => [
      'driver' => 'fs',
      'path' => __DIR__ . '/snaps' // Local snaps directory

    'remote' => [
      'driver'     => 's3',
      'bucket'     => env('S3_BUCKET'),
      'region'     => env('S3_REGION'),
      // 'profile'    => 'remote',
      'access_key' => env('S3_ACESS_KEY'),
      'secret_key' => env('S3_SECRET_ACESS_KEY'),
      'base_path'  => 'snaps' // Remote path will be like s3://bucket-name/snaps



The snappers tell datashot how to slice down the database.

return [

  'snappers' => [
     'quick' => [

       // If you want to snap the rows only
       // 'data_only' => TRUE,

       // If you wanna dump only the ddl, triggers, functions, etc.
       // 'no_data' => TRUE,

       // Custom made user-defined property for later interpolation
       'cutoff' => '(NOW() - INTERVAL 3 MONTH)',

       // Table-specific where used to filter the rows witch will be dumped
       'wheres' => [

         // Interpolate the 'cutoff' parameter in the where clause for the
         // "logs" table
         'logs' => "created_at > '{cutoff}'",

         // Bring only the active users
         'users' => 'active = TRUE',



Your First Snapshot

To take a database snapshot using the previously configured file:

php vendor/bin/datashot snap myerp --from live1 --to remote:quick_snap --snapper quick

Then datashot will take a proper mysqldump from the scheme myerp that is running inside the production server live1 and it will be using the quick snapper to cut the logs and users table down.

Then it will upload a file called quick.gz to the remote s3 repository called remote previously configured in the datashot.config.php configuration file.

Restoring Snapshots

You can use datashot to download and restore your snapshots:

php vendor/bin/datashot restore remote:quick --to dev --database myerp_dev

The command above will download the quick snapshot previously taken, restore the dump as myerp_dev schema at dev databaser server.

You can also restore the snapshot like a regular gziped SQL dump file:

gunzip < path/to/quick.gz | mysql -h localhost myerp

Hat Tipping

I tip my hat to ifsnop/mysqldump-php for providing insights on how to dump a mysql database via PHP/PDO.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details