
This is my package weight-conversions

1.1.0 2023-04-15 17:30 UTC


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Simple PHP package to convert between different units of weight measurement.

Supports gram, kilogram, milligram, ounce, pound, stone and ton... and can easily be extended to add additional units.

echo (new Pound(27.8))

// 12.6kg


You can install the package via composer:

composer require jacobfitzp/weight-conversions


// Create a new measurement unit
$kilograms = new Kilogram();

// Set weight amount
// Can also be passed to the constructor

// Convert to a different unit type
$ounce = $kilograms->to(Ounce::class);

// Get weight amount

// Round the amount
// Defaults to a precision of 1 decimal place

// Get a formatted human-readable version of the amount
// For example "2kgG", "12st 5" 


You can create your own units of measurement by extending the AbstractUnit class:

class Hobnobs extends AbstractUnit
    public const RELATIVE_TO_KG = 50;
    public function formatted(string $format = '%s hobnobs'): string
        return sprintf($format, $this->amount());

Let's break down how this works... The main thing to be aware of is the RELATIVE_TO_KG constant, this represents the amount of the unit that is relative to 1kg - For exampe, above we are saying that 50 hobnobs = 1kg. This is used as the basis for all conversion calculations.


composer test


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