
Widgets for preview model relations in laravel backpack

3.3.2 2023-07-02 16:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-01 00:07:11 UTC


  1. Installation
  2. Screenshots
  3. Features
  4. Documentation
  5. Usage
  6. How to enable creating related model

3.0 Whats new:

  • relation_table search input
  • relation_table create button with relation attribute reference
  • relation_table pagination

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composer require izica/relations-widgets-for-backpack


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  • use widgets for showing relations in show operation
  • show or hide panels or fields by conditions
  • build field value by closure
  • use dot orm notation for accessing relation fields


  • relation_panel

    • name - name of relation
    • label - panel label
    • backpack_crud - backpack crud url,
    • buttons (optional) - set false to hide all action buttons
    • button_show (optional) - set false to hide
    • button_edit (optional) - set false to hide
    • visible (optional) - closure for hiding or showing panel
    • fields (optional) - fields array, by default get columns from fillable in model
      • name - name
      • label - for field
      • closure - use closure instead of name field,
      • visible(optional) - closure for hiding or showing panel
  • relation_table

    • name - (required) name of relation
    • label - panel label
    • relation_attribute - (optional) used for passing url parameter name for button_create
    • search - (optional) closure, enables search input
    • per_page - (optional) enables pagination, null by default
    • backpack_crud - backpack crud url,
    • buttons (optional) - set false to hide all action buttons
    • button_create (optional) - set false to hide
    • button_show (optional) - set false to hide
    • button_edit (optional) - set false to hide
    • button_delete (optional) - set false to hide
    • visible (optional) - closure for hiding or showing panel
    • columns (optional) - columns array, by default get columns from fillable in model
      • name - name
      • label - for field
      • closure - use closure instead of name field for passing value,


Relation panel

belongsTo, hasOne

use Backpack\CRUD\app\Library\Widget;

protected function setupShowOperation()
        'type'           => 'relation_panel',
        'name'           => 'account_contact',
        'label'          => 'Account contact info',
        'backpack_crud'  => 'accountcontact',
        'visible' => function($entry){
            return $entry->is_public_person;
        'buttons' => false,
        'fields'         => [
                'label' => 'Birthdate',
                'closure' => function($entry){
                    return date('d.M.Y', $entry->birthdate);
                'label' => 'Contact phone',
                'name'  => 'contact_phone',
                'label' => 'Contact email',
                'name'  => 'contact_email',
                'label' => 'Address',
                'name'  => 'address.name',
                'visible' => function($entry){
                    return !!$entry->address;

Relation table


protected function setupShowOperation()
        'type'           => 'relation_table',
        'name'           => 'order_cargos',
        'label'          => 'Order cargo list',
        'backpack_crud'  => 'ordercargo',
        'visible' => function($entry){
            return $entry->order_cargos->count() > 0;
        'search' => function ($query, $search) {
            return $query->where('name', 'like', "%{$search}%");
        'relation_attribute' => 'order_id',
        'button_create' => true,
        'button_delete' => false,
        'columns' => [
                'label' => 'Type',
                'name'  => 'order_cargo_type.name',
                'label' => 'Weight',
                'name'  => 'weight',
                'label' => 'Value, $',
                'closure' => function($entry){
                    return "{$entry->value}$";

How to enable creating related model

You need to set:

  • button_create => true
  • relation_attribute => attribute_name

Next you need to add to relation/select field default value:

        'type' => "relationship",
        'name' => 'order',
        'default' => $_GET['order_id'] ?? null