
PHP Web Crawler - This PHP class allows you to crawl recursively a given html page (or a given html file) and collect some data from it.

0.1.24 2024-02-28 01:18 UTC


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This PHP class allows you to crawl recursively a given html page (or a given html file) and collect some data from it. Simply define the url (or a html file) and a set of xpath expressions which should map with the output data object. The final representation will be a php array which can be easily converted into the json format for further processing.

1. Installation

composer require ixnode/php-web-crawler
vendor/bin/php-web-crawler -V
php-web-crawler 0.1.0 (02-24-2024 14:46:26) - Björn Hempel <bjoern@hempel.li>

2. Usage

2.1 PHP Code

use Ixnode\PhpWebCrawler\Output\Field;
use Ixnode\PhpWebCrawler\Source\Raw;
use Ixnode\PhpWebCrawler\Value\Text;
use Ixnode\PhpWebCrawler\Value\XpathTextNode;

$rawHtml = <<<HTML
        <title>Test Page</title>
        <h1>Test Title</h1>
        <p>Test Paragraph</p>

$html = new Raw(
    new Field('version', new Text('1.0.0')),
    new Field('title', new XpathTextNode('//h1')),
    new Field('paragraph', new XpathTextNode('//p'))

// See below

2.2 JSON result

    "version": "1.0.0",
    "title": "Test Title",
    "paragraph": "Test Paragraph"

3. Advanced usage

3.1 Group

PHP Code

use Ixnode\PhpWebCrawler\Output\Field;
use Ixnode\PhpWebCrawler\Output\Group;
use Ixnode\PhpWebCrawler\Source\Raw;
use Ixnode\PhpWebCrawler\Value\XpathTextNode;

$rawHtml = <<<HTML
        <title>Test Page</title>
        <h1>Test Title</h1>
        <p class="paragraph-1">Test Paragraph 1</p>
        <p class="paragraph-2">Test Paragraph 2</p>

$html = new Raw(
    new Field('title', new XpathTextNode('/html/head/title')),
    new Group(
        new Group(
            new Field('h1', new XpathTextNode('/html/body//h1')),
        new Group(
            new Field('p1', new XpathTextNode('/html/body//p[@class="paragraph-1"]')),
            new Field('p2', new XpathTextNode('/html/body//p[@class="paragraph-2"]')),

// See below

JSON result

  "title": "Test Page",
  "content": {
    "header": {
      "h1": "Test Title"
    "text": {
      "p1": "Test Paragraph 1",
      "p2": "Test Paragraph 2"

3.2 XpathSection

PHP Code

use Ixnode\PhpWebCrawler\Output\Field;
use Ixnode\PhpWebCrawler\Output\Group;
use Ixnode\PhpWebCrawler\Source\Raw;
use Ixnode\PhpWebCrawler\Source\XpathSection;
use Ixnode\PhpWebCrawler\Value\XpathTextNode;

$rawHtml = <<<HTML
        <title>Test Page</title>
        <div class="content">
            <h1>Test Title</h1>
            <p class="paragraph-1">Test Paragraph 1</p>
            <p class="paragraph-2">Test Paragraph 2</p>

$html = new Raw(
    new Field('title', new XpathTextNode('/html/head/title')),
    new Group(
        new XpathSection(
            new Group(
                new Field('h1', new XpathTextNode('./h1')),
            new Group(
                new Field('p1', new XpathTextNode('./p[@class="paragraph-1"]')),
                new Field('p2', new XpathTextNode('./p[@class="paragraph-2"]')),

// See below

JSON result

    "title": "Test Page",
    "content": {
        "header": {
            "h1": "Test Title"
        "text": {
            "p1": "Test Paragraph 1",
            "p2": "Test Paragraph 2"

3.3 XpathSection (flat)

PHP Code

use Ixnode\PhpWebCrawler\Output\Field;
use Ixnode\PhpWebCrawler\Output\Group;
use Ixnode\PhpWebCrawler\Source\Raw;
use Ixnode\PhpWebCrawler\Source\XpathSections;
use Ixnode\PhpWebCrawler\Value\XpathTextNode;

$rawHtml = <<<HTML
        <title>Test Page</title>
        <div class="content">
            <h1>Test Title</h1>
            <p class="paragraph-1">Test Paragraph 1</p>
            <p class="paragraph-2">Test Paragraph 2</p>
                <li>Test Item 1</li>
                <li>Test Item 2</li>

$html = new Raw(
    new Field('title', new XpathTextNode('/html/head/title')),
    new Group(
        new XpathSections(
            new XpathTextNode('./li/text()'),

// See below

JSON result

    "title": "Test Page",
    "hits": [
            "Test Item 1",
            "Test Item 2"

3.3 XpathSection (structured)

PHP Code

use Ixnode\PhpWebCrawler\Output\Field;
use Ixnode\PhpWebCrawler\Output\Group;
use Ixnode\PhpWebCrawler\Source\Raw;
use Ixnode\PhpWebCrawler\Source\XpathSections;
use Ixnode\PhpWebCrawler\Value\XpathTextNode;

$rawHtml = <<<HTML
        <title>Test Page</title>
        <div class="content">
            <h1>Test Title</h1>
            <p class="paragraph-1">Test Paragraph 1</p>
            <p class="paragraph-2">Test Paragraph 2</p>
                        <th>Caption 1</th>
                        <td>Cell 1</td>
                        <th>Caption 2</th>
                        <td>Cell 2</td>

$html = new Raw(
    new Field('title', new XpathTextNode('/html/head/title')),
    new Group(
        new XpathSections(
            new Field('caption', new XpathTextNode('./th/text()')),
            new Field('content', new XpathTextNode('./td/text()')),

// See below

JSON result

    "title": "Test Page",
    "hits": [
            "caption": "Caption 1",
            "content": "Cell 1"
            "caption": "Caption 2",
            "content": "Cell 2"

4. More examples

5. Development

git clone git@github.com:ixnode/php-web-crawler.git && cd php-web-crawler
composer install
composer test

6. License

This library is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.