
This PHP package automatically generates holidays for a given year, considering both federal states and the country. It provides an easy-to-use interface to retrieve public holidays based on specific regions, ensuring accurate and up-to-date holiday information for all supported areas.

1.0.2 2024-12-05 22:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-05 23:12:45 UTC


Release PHP PHPStan PHPUnit PHPCS PHPMD Rector - Instant Upgrades and Automated Refactoring LICENSE

This PHP package automatically generates holidays for a given year, considering both federal states and the country. It provides an easy-to-use interface to retrieve public holidays based on specific regions, ensuring accurate and up-to-date holiday information for all supported areas. Movable public holidays such as Easter Monday are calculated automatically using the PHP function easter_date(). Static public holidays are permanently stored.

1. Usage

use Ixnode\PhpPublicHoliday\PublicHoliday;

1.1 Get the public holidays of Germany from the state of Saxony

$year = 2024;
$country = 'DE';
$state = 'SN';
$locale = 'de';

$holiday = new PublicHoliday(year: $year, countryCode: $country, stateCode: $state, localeCode: $locale);

// (array) [Ixnode\PhpPublicHoliday\PublicHolidayItem Object, ...]
// - (DateTimeImmutable) ->getDate()
// - (string) ->getName()

2. Supported countries

3. Supported languages

4. Installation

composer require ixnode/php-public-holiday
vendor/bin/php-public-holiday -V
php-public-holiday 1.0.0 (2024-11-23 15:08:05) - Björn Hempel <bjoern@hempel.li>

5. Command line tool

Used to quickly check the public holidays.

development mode:

bin/console ph DE SN --year=2024

or within your composer project:

vendor/bin/php-public-holiday ph DE SN --year=2024
Year:    2024
Country: DE (Deutschland)
State:   SN (Sachsen)
Locale:  de (Deutsch)

- 2024-01-01: Neujahr
- 2024-03-29: Karfreitag
- 2024-03-31: Ostersonntag
- 2024-04-01: Ostermontag
- 2024-05-01: Tag der Arbeit
- 2024-05-09: Christi Himmelfahrt
- 2024-05-19: Pfingstsonntag
- 2024-05-20: Pfingstmontag
- 2024-05-30: Fronleichnam
- 2024-10-03: Tag der deutschen Einheit
- 2024-10-31: Reformationstag
- 2024-11-20: Buß- und Bettag
- 2024-12-25: Erster Weihnachtsfeiertag
- 2024-12-26: Zweiter Weihnachtsfeiertag

Output locales (--locale)

Available options:

  • cz
  • de (default)
  • en
  • es
  • fr
  • hr
  • it
  • pl
  • sv
vendor/bin/php-public-holiday ph DE SN --year=2025 --locale=en --format=text
Year:    2025
Country: DE (Germany)
State:   SN (Saxony)
Locale:  en (English)

- 2025-01-01: New Year
- 2025-04-18: Good Friday
- 2025-04-20: Easter Sunday
- 2025-04-21: Easter Monday
- 2025-05-01: Labour Day
- 2025-05-29: Feast of the Ascension
- 2025-06-08: Whit Sunday
- 2025-06-09: Whit Monday
- 2025-06-19: Feast of Corpus Christi
- 2025-10-03: German Unity Day
- 2025-10-31: Reformation Day
- 2025-11-19: Buß- und Bettag
- 2025-12-25: Christmas Day
- 2025-12-26: Boxing Day
vendor/bin/php-public-holiday ph AT K --year=2025 --locale=sv --format=text
Year:    2025
Country: AT (Österrike)
State:   K (Kärnten)
Locale:  sv (Svenska)

- 2025-01-01: Nyår (39 days)
- 2025-01-06: Tre vise männen (44 days)
- 2025-04-20: Påskdagen (147 days)
- 2025-04-21: Annandag påsk (148 days)
- 2025-05-01: Bankdagar (159 days)
- 2025-05-29: Kristi himmelsfärdsdag (186 days)
- 2025-06-08: Pingst (196 days)
- 2025-06-09: Annandag pingst (197 days)
- 2025-06-19: Corpus Christi (207 days)
- 2025-08-15: Jungfru Marie himmelsfärd (265 days)
- 2025-10-26: Nationaldag (337 days)
- 2025-11-01: Alla helgons dag (343 days)
- 2025-12-08: Obefläckade avlelsen (380 days)
- 2025-12-25: Jul (397 days)
- 2025-12-26: Stefani dag (398 days)

Output formats (--format)

Available options:

  • text (default)
  • json
  • csv


vendor/bin/php-public-holiday ph DE SN --year=2025 --format=json
    "country": "DE",
    "state": "SN",
    "year": 2025,
    "locale": "de",
    "holidays": [
            "date": "2025-01-01",
            "name": "Neujahr"


vendor/bin/php-public-holiday ph DE SN --year=2025 --format=csv
date;"public holiday"

6. Library development

git clone git@github.com:ixnode/php-public-holiday.git && cd php-public-holiday
composer install
composer test

7. License

This library is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

8. Author