
create multi-auth for laravel5.2

v0.1.7 2016-08-09 07:57 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 02:52:20 UTC


Custom your Auth Drivers


composer require iwanli/multi-auth


First, pull in the package through Composer.

"iwanli/multi-auth": "~0.1.*"

Now you'll want to update or install via composer.

composer update


open your config/app.php and add this line in providers section .



And the last, publish the package's configuration by running:

php artisan vendor:publish

That will publish the multi.php config file to your config/ folder .

return [
     * auth view directroy
	'directory' =>[
		'layouts' 	=> 'resources/views/layouts',
		'auth' 		=> [
			'passwords' => 'resources/views/multi-auth/passwords',
			'emails' 	=> 'resources/views/multi-auth/emails'
     * auth view file name 
	'views' => [
        'login' 	=> 'multi-auth/login.blade.php',
        'register' 	=> 'multi-auth/register.blade.php',
        'email' 	=> 'multi-auth/passwords/email.blade.php',
        'reset' 	=> 'multi-auth/passwords/reset.blade.php',
        'password' 	=> 'multi-auth/emails/password.blade.php',
        'app' 		=> 'layouts/app.blade.php',
        'home' 		=> 'home.blade.php',
        'welcome' 	=> 'welcome.blade.php',
    | Authentication Guards
    'auth' => [
    	'guards' => [
            'admin' => [
                'driver'    => 'session',
                'provider'  => 'admins',
        'providers' => [
            'admins' => [
                'driver' => 'eloquent',
                 * According to this configuration will create the corresponding model and migration
                'model' => 'App\Models\Admin',
         * Plan development...
        'passwords' => [
            'admins' => [
                'provider' => 'admins',
                'email' => 'mulit-auth.emails.password',
                'table' => 'password_resets',
                'expire' => 60,
         * The route of the jump after the success of the certification
	    'redirectTo' => '/admin',
         * custom AuthController login view
	    'loginView' => 'multi-auth.login',
         * custom AuthController register view
	    'registerView' => 'multi-auth.register',


php artisan make:multi-auth Admin/LoginController

Or mandatory coverage of existing documents

php artisan make:multi-auth Admin/LoginController --force

The Artisan command generates the routes, views controller and update Authenticate middleware required for user authentication .

Ok,that's all, enjoy it!