Fluffy framework. Based on Viewi and Swoole.

v1.0.4 2024-04-28 13:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-28 20:39:05 UTC


Fluffy framework. Based on Viewi and Swoole.

Not ready for production.


Set up Nginx on WSL

php fluffy nginx nutrition.wsl.com

Run server

php fluffy server

Reload server

php fluffy reload

Watch mode - runs server and rebuilds application on file changes

php fluffy watch

Build - builds the app

php fluffy build [environment]

For example:

php fluffy build dev

php fluffy build prod

php fluffy build local

Install (create all tables)

php fluffy install

Run migrations

php fluffy migrate

Rollback migration

php fluffy migrate rollback Application\\Migrations\\Menu\\MenuItemMigration

Create Entity model

php fluffy model create EntityName [Namespace]


php fluffy model create UserTokenEntity Auth

Generate Entity model repository, migration, service; register migration, repository, service

php fluffy model build UserTokenEntity Auth

Generate Controller


php fluffy controller create Product Catalog

Generate Viewi admin pages

php fluffy viewi create [Name] [Folder] [ModelsFolder]

php fluffy viewi create Order Order Sales

Cron Tab


CronTab::schedule([TestTask::class, 'execute'], '*/5 * * * * *');

Hubs (Web sockets)


Hubs::mapHub('collect', [CollectHub::class, 'collect']);

namespace Application\Hubs;

use Application\Models\CollectModel;

class CollectHub
    public function collect(CollectModel $message, $data, string $name)
        print_r(['CollectHub::collect', $message->date, $data, $name]);
  route: 'collect',
  data: { 
    name: 'Viewi',
    date: 123


Optionally, BaseController provides default response methods

use Fluffy\Controllers\BaseController


namespace Application\Controllers;

use Fluffy\Controllers\BaseController;

class TestController extends BaseController