
Laravel queue RabbitMQ driver.

0.6.1 2023-10-09 10:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-09 11:09:07 UTC


By default, the Laravel framework doesn't include a RabbitMQ driver for the queue feature. This package adds compatibility with this message broker.

You will also be able to exchange messages with other systems that don't support Laravel native queue message format.


Just install this package by Composer:

composer require ivan-grebnev/laravel-rabbitmq

And set environment variables with credentials to connect to RabbitMQ server, for example in .env file:

RABBITMQ_HOST=some.hostname # or IP-address 


Default configuration places in src/config/default.php. You can override any config options in your project's config/queue.php in the rabbitmq section, for example:

'rabbitmq' => [
    'tasks' => [
        // parameters of concrete task
        'SomeSend' => [
            'exchange' => 'Some.Send.Exchange',
            'routing_key' => 'Any.Routing.Key',
        'SomeRecieve' => [
            'queue' => 'Some.Recieve.Queue',
            'job' => \App\Jobs\Exchange\RecieveJob::class,
    // here default parameters for all tasks
    'defaults' => [
        'worker_job' => \App\Jobs\Exchange\CustomWorkerJob::class,
        'exchange_type' => 'topic',
        'consume_no_ack' => true,

For all tasks config takes from "defaults" section, but can be overridden in parameters of concrete task.

All possible settings you can see in source config file with comments https://github.com/ivan-grebnev/laravel-rabbitmq/blob/master/src/config/default.php.


What does it mean task? The Laravel uses the term "queue" to refer to an application's messaging channel with a queue server in either direction. But the RabbitMQ message broker additionally has exchange as its entry point, and exchange can have exactly the same name as queue. For this reason, the concept of task was introduced to separate configuration settings. So the example below will work:

// config/queue.php
'rabbitmq' => [
    'tasks' => [
        'UsersSendTask' => [
            'exchange' => 'Site.Users',
        'UsersRecieveTask' => [
            'queue' => 'Site.Users',
            'job' => \App\Jobs\Exchange\UsersRecieveJob::class,
    'defaults' => [
        'worker_job' => \App\Jobs\Exchange\CustomWorkerJob::class,

This is necessary when RabbitMQ queues are used not only for the internal needs of the application, but for exchanging data with other systems, then we push messages to one exchange or queue, and pull our messages from others.

Thus, in the package sources, task is like queue in Laravel, and queue is exactly the queue of RabbitMQ. So to execute the example above:



artisan queue:work rabbitmq --queue=UsersRecieveTask

Custom jobs

There are three types of Job:

  • Sending to exchange / queue job
  • Pulling by worker job
  • Executing job

...to be continued...