
Widget for rendering multilevel menu for Laravel framework

2.0.8 2024-03-31 13:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-31 00:41:22 UTC


1 Introduction

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This widget is to display a multi level menu. There can be nested sub-menus. Used for Laravel framework.

The widget uses data from the database, in which there are, in addition to the primary keys, also the parent keys.

Data from the database is taken from a model and must be instance of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection.

Multi level menu example scheme

2 Requirements

  • laravel 5.5+ | 6+ | 7+ | 8+ | 9+ | 10+ | 11+
  • php >= 7.1.0
  • composer

3 Installation

3.1 General from remote repository

Via composer:

composer require itstructure/laravel-multi-menu "~2.0.8"

3.2 If you are testing this package from local server directory

In application composer.json file set the repository, like in example:

"repositories": [
        "type": "path",
        "url": "../laravel-multi-menu",
        "options": {
            "symlink": true


../laravel-multi-menu - directory name, which has the same directory level as application and contains multi menu package.

Then run command:

composer require itstructure/laravel-multi-menu:dev-master --prefer-source

3.3 Publish in application

  • To publish all parts run command:

    php artisan multimenu:publish

  • To publish only config run command:

    php artisan multimenu:publish --only=config

    It stores multimenu.php config file to config folder.

  • To publish only views run command:

    php artisan multimenu:publish --only=views

    It stores view files to resources/views/vendor/multimenu folder.

  • Else you can use --force argument to rewrite already published files.

Or another variant:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Itstructure\MultiMenu\MultiMenuServiceProvider"

4 Usage

4.1 Simple variant

Config part

return [
    'primaryKeyName' => 'id', // Editable
    'parentKeyName' => 'parent_id', // Editable
    'mainTemplate' => 'main', // Editable
    'itemTemplate' => 'item', // Editable

View template part

$multiOptions = [ // Editable
    'config' => config('multimenu'),
    'data' => $pages

Here, $pages - is from controller part, for example $pages = Page::all();. Must be instance of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection.

4.2 Addition config options and data

Config part

There is an example to set item blade templates for 3 levels:

return [
    'primaryKeyName' => 'id',
    'parentKeyName' => 'parent_id',
    'mainTemplate' => 'main',
    'itemTemplate' => [
        'levels' => [

You can set mainTemplate by analogy.

Blade templates

Example of a custom changed blade template file item.blade:

    <a href="{{ $data->icon }}">
        Initial item Id {{ $data->id }} {{ isset($addition) ? ' | ' . $addition : '' }}

Example of a custom changed blade template file item_new.blade:

    <a href="{{ $data->icon }}" style="color: green; font-weight: bold;">
        New item Id {{ $data->id }} {{ isset($addition) ? ' | ' . $addition : '' }}

Addition data

Example in a template file:

$multiOptions = [
    'config' => config('multimenu'),
    'data' => $pages,
    'additionData' => [
        'levels' => [
            0 => [],
            1 => ['addition' => 'addition string']

4.3 Database table structure example

Table "catalogs"

| id  | parent_id |   title    | ... |
|  1  |   NULL    |   item 1   | ... |
|  2  |   NULL    |   item 2   | ... |
|  3  |   NULL    |   item 3   | ... |
|  4  |   NULL    |   item 4   | ... |
|  5  |   NULL    |   item 5   | ... |
|  6  |     2     |  item 2.1  | ... |
|  7  |     2     |  item 2.2  | ... |
|  8  |     7     | item 2.2.1 | ... |
|  9  |     7     | item 2.2.2 | ... |
|  10 |     7     | item 2.2.3 | ... |
| ... |    ...    |     ...    | ... |

5 Prevention of collisions

5.1 Before save model

To prevent the entry of the wrong parent identifier (for example, the new number that is a child in a subordinate chain of nested records):

Use static method checkNewParentId(Model $mainModel, int $newParentId... e.t.c)

Here are the required parameters:

$mainModel - current model record, in which the parent id will be changed for new value.

$newParentId - new parent id, which must be verified.

5.2 After delete model

To prevent breaks in the chain of subject submissions:

Use static method afterDeleteMainModel(Model $mainModel... e.t.c)

Here is the required parameter:

$mainModel - deleted model record.

This function will rebuild the chain.


Copyright © 2018-2024 Andrey Girnik

Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for details.