
PHP Package for Egyptian eInvoicing SDK, eInvoicing is the solution of the Egyptian Tax Authority used by taxpayers to register their issued documents with the Tax Authority

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dev-main 2022-12-11 09:43 UTC

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Last update: 2024-09-16 15:50:49 UTC


PHP Package for Egyptian eInvoicing SDK, eInvoicing is the solution of the Egyptian Tax Authority used by taxpayers to register their issued documents with the Tax Authority


Via Composer

$ composer require kindy/egyptian-e-invoice


Please see Examples Files.


To view all example please vist Examples Files.

require_once "../vendor/autoload.php";
require_once "./config.php";

use Kindy\EgyaptianEInvoice\Document\Document;
use Kindy\EgyaptianEInvoice\Document\DocumentInvoiceLine;
use Kindy\EgyaptianEInvoice\ETAInvoice;

$issuer = [
    "address" => [
        "branchID" => "0",
        "country" => "EG",
        "governate" => "Cairo",
        "regionCity" => "Nasr City",
        "street" => "580 Clementina Key",
        "buildingNumber" => "Bldg. 0",
        "postalCode" => "68030",
        "floor" => "1",
        "room" => "123",
        "landmark" => "7660 Melody Trail",
        "additionalInformation" => "beside Townhall"
    "type" => "B",
    "id" => "500100200",
    "name" => "Issuer Company"

$receiver = [
    "address" => [
        "country" => "EG",
        "governate" => "Cairo",
        "regionCity" => "Nasr City",
        "street" => "580 Clementina Key",
        "buildingNumber" => "Bldg. 0",
    "type" => "B",
    "id" => "674859545",
    "name" => "Recievr Company"
$document = new Document();

$invoiceLine = new DocumentInvoiceLine();
$invoiceLine->setDescription('Software ERP')


$invoiceLine = new DocumentInvoiceLine();
$invoiceLine->setDescription('Software CRM')

                'signatureType' => 'I',
                'value' => $_POST['signature']

    $invoice = new ETAInvoice($config['client_id'],$config['client_secret'], 'uat');
    $finalDocument = [$document->toArray()];
    $documentSubmit = $invoice->submitDocument($finalDocument);
    echo $documentSubmit->acceptedDocuments[0]->uuid.'-'.$documentSubmit->acceptedDocuments[0]->longId.'-'.$documentSubmit->acceptedDocuments[0]->internalId;

<button id="sign" type="button">Sign</button>
<button id="sendToEta" type="button" style="display: none;">Send To Eta</button>
<div id="result"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script type = "text/javascript">
    var signature;
    var socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:18088");


            type: "POST",
            url: "",
            data: {signature:signature},
            success: function(data){
                $("#result").html('Document Sent To Eta');

    function ConnectToSignatureServer() {
        socket.send('{Document:\'<?php echo $document->getSerialize()?>\',TokenCertificate:\'Egypt Trust Sealing CA\',Password:\'15775108\'}');
        socket.onmessage = function (response) { 
            var responseObj = JSON.parse(;

            if(responseObj.cades != 'NO_SOLTS_FOUND' && responseObj.cades != 'PASSWORD_INVAILD' && responseObj.cades != 'CERTIFICATE_NOT_FOUND' && responseObj.cades != 'NO_DEVICE_DETECTED')
                $("#result").html('Document Signed');
                signature = responseObj.cades;

    socket.onclose = function() { 
        $("#result").html('Connection is closed');

    socket.onerror = function() { 
        $("#result").html('Connection Error');
    socket.onopen = function() { 
        $("#result").html('Connection Open');

Integrate with eSign token

I have developed a small tool that you can use to sign invoices through WebSocket before send it to EAT, you can find this tool on Egyptian Tax EInvoice HttpSignature


Your contribution is welcome



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.