
Geolocation services for Laravel 5.x

1.0.4 2018-01-27 23:45 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-23 02:59:53 UTC


Geolocation package for Laravel 5.x

This package provides geolocation information including country, city, latitude and longitude based on request IP. There are a few available providers: Extreme IP Lookup, Free GeoIP, Geobytes and Geoplugin.


Install the package using composer:

composer require itech-ro/geolocation

Edit app/config.php and add this line to providers array:

    'providers' => [

Create a configuration file config/geolocation.php with the content:


return [

    'provider' => 'geoplugin',


How to use it

Once you set the preferred provider in config/geolocation.php (possible values: geobytes, freegeoip, extremeiplookup, geoplugin) the geolocation details can be accessed using the Geolocation facade:

$coordinates = Geolocation::getCoordinates(); //returns an array [ 'lat' => LATITUDE, 'long' => LONGITUDE ]
$city = Geolocation::getCity();
$country = Geolocation::getCountry();