
Use your Android phone as irteel SMS Gateway

v1.2.0 2023-10-14 04:01 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 06:51:16 UTC


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With this application you can easily turn your mobile phone into the SMS Gateway for your applications.

You will get Admin Panel and Android application with this package. Admin Panel keeps track of all messages you sent using this API and Android application turns your mobile into SMS Gateway. All the requests that you send will be first stored in Server using Admin Panel on and then it will be handed over to the Android application. The android application sends the SMS according to the request and reports the status of the messages to the Admin Panel.


Send SMS from your application developed using any programming language. Use CSV or Excel file containing numbers and messages in first two columns to send bulk messages. Shows status of messages sent using SMS Gateway in Admin Panel. Ability to receive messages in Admin Panel and respond to it using a WebHook. Ability to sign in using multiple Android devices to split messages between them when sending bulk messages. Ability to create other users to let them use SMS Gateway from their mobile phones.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require irteel/php-smsgw


PHP Integration

1. Setup config file or define all constants

Include following code in your PHP file to start sending messages.
define("SERVER", "");  ## Server URL
define("API_KEY", "klmc81eb642f20f1ccc4ed03a32939582ff3bb058"); ## Enter the API_KEY from your developper panel

define("USE_SPECIFIED", 0);
define("USE_ALL_DEVICES", 1);
define("USE_ALL_SIMS", 2);

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

2. Use Irteel\Smsgw namespace in your php file

  use Irteel\Smsgw\PhpSmsgw; class
3. Create PhpSmsgw instance

  $smsgw=new PhpSmsgw(SERVER,API_KEY);

4. Start using $smsgw instance


Send Single Message
try {
    // Send a message using the primary device.
    $msg = $smsgw->sendSingleMessage("+11234567890", "This is a test of single message.");

    // Send a message using the Device ID 1.
    $msg = $smsgw->sendSingleMessage("+11234567890", "This is a test of single message.", 1);
    // Send a prioritize message using Device ID 1 for purpose of sending OTP, message reply etc…
    $msg = $smsgw->sendSingleMessage("+11234567890", "This is a test of single message.", 1, null, false, null, true);
    // Send a MMS message with image using the Device ID 1.
    $attachments = ",";
    $msg = $smsgw->sendSingleMessage("+11234567890", "This is a test of single message.", 1, null, true, $attachments);
    // Send a message using the SIM in slot 1 of Device ID 1 (Represented as "1|0").
    // SIM slot is an index so the index of the first SIM is 0 and the index of the second SIM is 1.
    // In this example, 1 represents Device ID and 0 represents SIM slot index.
    $msg = $smsgw->sendSingleMessage("+11234567890", "This is a test of single message.", "1|0");

    // Send scheduled message using the primary device.
    $msg = $smsgw->sendSingleMessage("+11234567890", "This is a test of schedule feature.", null, strtotime("+2 minutes"));

    echo "Successfully sent a message.";
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

Send Bulk Messages
$messages = array();

for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
            "number" => "+11234567890",
            "message" => "This is a test #{$i} of PHP version. Testing bulk message functionality."

try {
    // Send messages using the primary device.

    // Send messages using default SIM of all available devices. Messages will be split between all devices.
    $smsgw->sendMessages($messages, USE_ALL_DEVICES);
    // Send messages using all SIMs of all available devices. Messages will be split between all SIMs.
    $smsgw->sendMessages($messages, USE_ALL_SIMS);

    // Send messages using only specified devices. Messages will be split between devices or SIMs you specified.
    // If you send 12 messages using this code then 4 messages will be sent by Device ID 1, other 4 by SIM in slot 1 of 
    // Device ID 2 (Represendted as "2|0") and remaining 4 by SIM in slot 2 of Device ID 2 (Represendted as "2|1").
    sendMessages($messages, USE_SPECIFIED, [1, "2|0", "2|1"]);
    // Send messages on schedule using the primary device.
    $smsgw->sendMessages($messages, null, null, strtotime("+2 minutes"));
    // Send a message to contacts in contacts list with ID of 1.
    $smsgw->sendMessageToContactsList(1, "Test", USE_SPECIFIED, 1);
    // Send a message on schedule to contacts in contacts list with ID of 1.
    $smsgw->sendMessageToContactsList(1, "Test", null, null, strtotime("+2 minutes"));
    // Array of image links to attach to MMS message;
    $attachments = [
    $attachments = implode(',', $attachments);
    $mmsMessages = [];
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
                "number" => "+11234567890",
                "message" => "This is a test #{$i} of PHP version. Testing bulk MMS message functionality.",
                "type" => "mms",
                "attachments" => $attachments
    // Send MMS messages using all SIMs of all available devices. Messages will be split between all SIMs.
    $msgs = $smsgw->sendMessages($mmsMessages, USE_ALL_SIMS);

    echo "Successfully sent bulk messages.";
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

Get remaining message credits
try {
    $credits = $smsgw->getBalance();
    echo "Message Credits Remaining: {$credits}";
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
Get messages and their current status
try {
    // Get a message using the ID.
    $msg = $smsgw->getMessageByID(1);

    // Get messages using the Group ID.
    $msgs = $smsgw->getMessagesByGroupID(')V5LxqyBMEbQrl9*J$5bb4c03e8a07b7.62193871');
    // Get messages received in last 24 hours.
    $msgs = $smsgw->getMessagesByStatus("Received", null, null, time() - 86400);
    // Get messages received on SIM 1 of device ID 8 in last 24 hours.
    $msgs = $smsgw->getMessagesByStatus("Received", 8, 0, time() - 86400);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
Resend messages
try {
    // Resend a message using the ID.
    $msg = $smsgw->resendMessageByID(1);

    // Get messages using the Group ID and Status.
    $msgs = $smsgw->resendMessagesByGroupID('LV5LxqyBMEbQrl9*J$5bb4c03e8a07b7.62193871', 'Failed');
    // Resend pending messages in last 24 hours.
    $msgs = $smsgw->resendMessagesByStatus("Pending", null, null, time() - 86400);
    // Resend pending messages sent using SIM 1 of device ID 8 in last 24 hours.
    $msgs = $smsgw->resendMessagesByStatus("Received", 8, 0, time() - 86400);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
Manage Contacts
try {
    // Add a new contact to contacts list 1 or resubscribe the contact if it already exists.
    $contact = $smsgw->addContact(1, "+11234567890", "Test", true);
    // Unsubscribe a contact using the mobile number.
    $contact = $smsgw->unsubscribeContact(1, "+11234567890");
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
Send USSD request
try {
    // Send a USSD request using default SIM of Device ID 1.
    $ussdRequest =$smsgw->sendUssdRequest("*150#", 1);
    // Send a USSD request using SIM in slot 1 of Device ID 1.
    $ussdRequest = $smsgw->sendUssdRequest("*150#", 1, 0);
    // Send a USSD request using SIM in slot 2 of Device ID 1.
    $ussdRequest = $smsgw->sendUssdRequest("*150#", 1, 1);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
Get USSD requests
try {
    // Get a USSD request using the ID.
    $ussdRequest = $smsgw->getUssdRequestByID(1);
    // Get USSD requests with request text "*150#" sent in last 24 hours.
    $ussdRequests = $smsgw->getUssdRequests("*150#", null, null, time() - 86400);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
Get Devices
try {
    // Get all enabled devices for sending messages.
    $devices = $smsgw->getDevices()
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();


composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.