
Correct word count for all languages in PHP

v1.0.0 2023-04-24 00:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-25 11:43:56 UTC


Introducing our new PHP word-count package, a powerful tool for accurately counting the number of words in any text input. This package currently supports 3 language scripts and is highly customizable, allowing for exclusion of certain words or phrases from the count and options for case sensitivity and stemming.

Supported scripts

  • Latin
  • Arabic
  • Cyrillic

Installation & usage with composer

Install the package:

composer require irfanh94/word-counter-php

Using WordCounter to only count:


$wordCounter = WordCounter\WordCounter::buildWithDefaults();

$numberOfWords = $wordCounter
    ->process("This is amazing")
    ->getCount(); // response: 3

Using WordCounter to also output list of detected words:


$wordCounter = WordCounter\WordCounter::buildWithDefaults();
$wordCounterResponse = $wordCounter->process("This is amazing", true);

$numberOfWords = $wordCounterResponse->getCount();
$listOfWords = $wordCounterResponse->getWords();

Benchmark for 10k words (67kb)

bench class bench method memory peak average time
WordCounterBench benchCounter 1,653,792b 15,787.200μs
WordCounterBench benchCounterWithWordsExport 3,021,840b 16,966.440μs