
Library for document creation

0.3.0 2023-04-24 10:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 14:17:52 UTC


Using the HTML engine

Add mpdf to the Composer JSON file

    "require": {
        "mpdf/mpdf": "^8.0"
// Create the HTML Renderer instance
$pdfRenderer = \Iresults\Renderer\Pdf\Engine\Html\HtmlFactory::renderer();

$factory = new \Iresults\Renderer\Pdf\Wrapper\MpdfWrapperFactory();
// Set a different context object [optional]
$context = $factory->build([
    'mode'              => '',
    'format'            => 'A4',
    'default_font_size' => 10,
    'default_font'      => '',
    'margin_left'       => 0,
    'margin_right'      => 0,
    'margin_top'        => 40,
    'margin_bottom'     => 20,
    'margin_header'     => 0,
    'margin_footer'     => 0,

// Configuration: Additional fonts [optional]
        'R'  => 'MyriadPro-Regular.ttf',
        'I'  => 'MyriadPro-It.ttf',
        // Alternative bold styles:
        // 'B' => 'MyriadPro-Bold.ttf',
        // 'BI' => 'MyriadPro-BoldIt.ttf',
        'B'  => 'MyriadPro-Semibold.ttf',
        'BI' => 'MyriadPro-SemiboldIt.ttf',

// Configuration: Define the header [optional]

// Configuration: Define  the footer [optional]
// or
$context->DefHTMLFooterByName('Footer', '<footer>'.date('d.m.Y').'</footer>');

// Set the template/content to render

// Define a path to save the PDF file at

// Add a stylesheet


// Send the PDF to the browser
// or save it to the disk