
Data processor of a single model

1.1.1 2021-11-17 07:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-17 12:10:46 UTC


A class for handling interaction with model, form validation, and formatter. This class make it easy to generate general repetition action.

It call form validation automatically for action create, createMany, and set.

Calling create, get, and getOne will return formatted object if data exists. The returned data is an array for method get, and an object for method create and getOne. Other method will return as returned by model.

Calling method get will also generate pagination data.


composer require iqomp/handler


Create a class that extends Iqomp\Handler\Handler, and fill some property model, formatter, and forms as below:


namespace App\Handler;

class User extends \Iqomp\Handler\Handler
    // handling model
    protected string $model = 'App\Model\User';

    // formatter data for the object
    // used for method `get`, `create`, and `getOne`
    protected array $formatter = [
        'name' => 'wallet',
        'options' => []

    // custom error code for form invalid or general error
    protected array $errors_code = [
        422 => 100004,
        500 => 100003

    // property name for pagination result per page
    protected string $pager_rpp = 'per_page';

    // property name for pagination result page number
    protected string $pager_page = 'page';

    // property name for pagination total result
    protected string $pager_total = 'total';

    // form name for each methods
    protected array $forms = [
        'create' => 'user/create',
        'createMany' => 'user/createMany',
        'set' => 'user/set'

    // list of disallowed method to call
    protected array $disalow_methods = [

    // custom function after
    protected function after_create(array $fields, $result)
        // the function that will be called right after
        // creating the object

And using it from controller is now as easy as:

    // ...
    $user = new App\Handler\User;

    // get formatted single object
    $object = $user->getOne(['id' => 1]);

    // create new user that should be validated
    // and return the created one after formatted
    $object = $user->create(['...']);
    // get validation errors
    $errors = $user->error();

    // get users page 2
    $objects = $user->get(['status' => 1], 12, 2);
    // get paginations data
    $pager = $user->pagination();

Additional Methods


If you create a method named after_{method-name} on the handler class, the method will be called right after method {method-name} get called successfully. The after_{method} will be called with argument forwarded from main method with the last arguments is added from result of calling {method-name} function.