
1.0.0 2015-02-20 14:11 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-11 05:13:05 UTC


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This package provides a user model and simple login, plus remind and register views. It integrates nicely with other ipunkt packages like ipunkt/roles and ipunkt/social-auth to provide a pull-in-and-use-it environment.


Add to your composer.json following lines

"require": {
	"ipunkt/auth": "1.*"


  • Add


    to your service provider list.

  • Publish the config by doing

      `php artisan config:publish ipunkt/auth`
  • Edit the user_table config file to suit your needs

    • table_name - The name the table will go by in the database
    • login_through_field - Which field is used to identify the user for login. Default is email. Username is also common
    • extra_fields - Array of additional fields which you want your user model to have. Each field should have the following keys
      • name - The field name in the Database
      • database_type - The field type in the database
      • form_type - The input type to use in the register and edit form
      • validation_rules - The laravel Validator rules to validate this field when registering or editing
      • not during register - if set to true then this field will not be available during registration. Only when editing the user
  • Migrate the user table by doing

      `php artisan migrate --package=ipunkt/auth`

Registration strategy

The registration strategy can be choosen in the config.php through the field registration_strategy


Currently only single-opt-in is provided by the package. This means the user will be logged in and activated once they send valid user data to register. Config Value: single_opt_in


In the future a native double-opt-in will be provided. This means the user will be created, but disabled after they send valid user data. An email will be sent to their email address with a confirmation link. Their user account will be enabled once the registration link has been visited Config Value: double_opt_in


Link your users to the route auth.register to allow them to register

Link your users to the route auth.login for logging a user in

Link your users to the route auth.logout for logging a user out

User index

If you wish to publish a list of all users you can use to the auth.user.login route. There are 3 ways to decide access to this:

  • If you set the publish_user_index to true in this packages config then everyone will be able to view it.
  • Otherwise if a user is logged in, it will be asked for permission to index on itself Auth::user()->can('index', Auth::user()).
    • If you use the PermissionChecker which is included in this package then adding index to the user_actions array will grant access to all users
    • If you wish for a more complicated behaviour, simply bring your own PermissionChecker for your user model. See ipunkt/permissions for detail
  • If you neither set publish_user_index nor allow index in your user models PermissionChecker then it will fail through App::abort(403)

The default behaviour is to deny access.

User edit

To let your users edit a profile link them to the auth.user.edit route, with the user id / $user->getKey() as Parameter

This will ask the User model for edit permission

  • If you use the PermissionChecker which is included in this package then adding edit to the user_actions array will grant permission to edit the users own profile
  • If you wish for a more complicated behaviour, simply bring your own PermissionChecker for your user model. See ipunkt/permissions for detail

The default behaviour is to allow editing permissions to the users own profile.

User delete

To let your users delete an account, link them to the auth.user.delete route, with the user id / $user->getKey() as Parameter. Also if a user has permission to delete an account while viewing the auth.user.edit view of said account, a deletion link will be shown.

This will ask the user model for delete permission

  • If you use the PermissionChecker which is included in this package then adding delete to the user_actions array will grant permission to edit the users own profile
  • If you wish for a more complicated behaviour, simply bring your own PermissionChecker for your user model. See ipunkt/permissions for detail

The default behaviour is to to deny deletion permission



  • To use the packaged views but display them within your own template set the view.extends variables.
    • view is the layout view
    • section is the name of the section in which you want it displayed
  • To change the views entirely publish them by doing
    php artisan view:publish ipunkt/auth
    then edit them to your likes

Misc Config Options


Default value: true When left at true then the AuthServiceProvider will set auth.model to the Model provided by this package Set to false if you wish to use your own user model.


Default value: true When left at true then the AuthServiceProvider will bind this packages UserRepository to Ipunkt\Auth\Repositories\RepositoryInterface. The default repository will instanciate the Model set in the config value auth.model. Set to false if you do not use Eloquent or want to bind your own Repository for the User creation for some reason. see Change out user model below


Default value: '' This prefix is prepended to all routes set by this package. This enables you to bundle your authentication users under a single path, like auth/ If you set this, then make sure to check your auth filter. The default Laravel4 implementation sends the user to /login upon failing


Default value: true When left at true then the AuthServiceProvider will use auth::reminder/email as the View for reminder emails Set to false if you wish to load a view from your app instead of customizing the package view


Default value: false When set to true then $route_prefix/user/ will show a listing of all registered users if the $user->can('index', $dummyUser) See ipunkt/permissions for specifics about giving permissions


Default value: ['edit'] This value configures the default PermissionChecker for the user model this package brings. Any action listed in this config variable is see as on a user by user base and will be allowed if the user attempts to do it to his own account.


Default value: ['logout' => 'auth.login'] This decides where varios actions redirect after they have successfuly finished. Currently:

  • logout User has logged out

Extending Registration Strategies

To create your own registration strategy you will have to register an event listener to Ipunkt.Auth.*


class RegistrationServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
	public function boot() {
		if(Config::get('auth::registration_strategy') == 'test_opt_in')
		Event::listen('Ipunkt.Auth.*', 'Acme\Listeners\TestOptInListener');
	public function register() {}

Events to listen for

  • whenUserWasCreated(UserWasCreated $event) UserWasCreated: UserInterface $user This is called when a User has successfully sent valid registration data. It is this events responsibility to write the user to the database. The default way to do this is by calling the UserStoreCommand: $this->execute( 'Ipunkt\Auth\Commands\UserStoreCommand', ['user' => $event->user] );

  • whenConfirmationWasAttempted(ConfirmationWasAttempted $confirmation) This is called when a user comes back from a registration link

  • whenConfirmationWasSuccessful(ConfirmationWasSuccessful $confirmation) This is called when confirmation was successful

  • whenConfirmationHasFailed(ConfirmationHasFailed $confirmation) This is called when confirmation has failed

Also see Ipunkt\Auth\Listeners\SingleOptInListener for reference

Change user model

To use your own model set the config value 'auth.model' to its classpath.

If your model does not inherit from eloquent you will also have to replace 'Ipunkt\Auth\Repositories\RepositoryInterface' in the Laravel IoC

If you simply want to extend the model brought by this package have your own model inherit from Eloquent and implement Ipunkt\Auth\User\UserInterface.

All prebuild functionality is capsulated in traits and can be used directly in your new model

  1. EloquentUserTrait combines
    • EloquentUserInterfaceTrait implements the laravel UserInterface for you (pre-4.2)
    • EloquentUserRemindableTrait implements the laravel RemindableInterface for you (pre-4.2)