
Payment Service Provider SDK

dev-master 2019-04-24 12:43 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-14 02:45:38 UTC


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Flexible software development kit that covers e-commerce for businesses of all types and support popular CMS modules for fast integration in existing infrastructure.

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Official website Documentation API Methods

Checkout Page Example PHP (SDK)


System Requirements

PHP 7.1 and later.


SDK require the following extension in order to work properly:


If you’re using Composer, you can run the following command:

composer require kosatyi/ipsp-php

Or add dependency manually in composer.json

  "require": {

Quick Start

Import library to your project file.

// If you are install SDK with composer
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

Define constants in project file or import from custom location.

define('MERCHANT_ID' , 'your_merchant_id');
define('MERCHANT_PASSWORD' , 'password');
define('IPSP_GATEWAY' , 'your_ipsp_gateway');

Create IpspPhp\Client instance by passing configuration properties:

  • IPSP_PHP_ID - Checkout Merchant ID from provider admin panel.
  • IPSP_PHP_PASSWORD - Merchant password
  • IPSP_PHP_GATEWAY - Choose provider gateway.
$client = new IpspPhp\Client( IPSP_PHP_ID , IPSP_PHP_PASSWORD, IPSP_PHP_GATEWAY );

Create IpspPhp\Api instance by passing IpspPhp\Client instance:

$ipsp   = new IpspPhp\Api( $client );

Finally create bootstrap file init.php with content below:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
define('IPSP_PHP_GATEWAY' , 'api.fondy.eu');
$client = new IpspPhp\Client( IPSP_PHP_ID , IPSP_PHP_PASSWORD, IPSP_PHP_GATEWAY );
$ipsp   = new IpspPhp\Api( $client );

Basic Usage Example

$checkout = new IpspPhp\Resource\Checkout();
$data = $ipsp->call($checkout,[
  'order_id'    => 'orderid-111222333',
  'order_desc'  => 'Simple checkout page',
  'currency'    => $ipsp::USD ,
  'amount'      => 2000, // 20 USD
  'response_url'=> sprintf('http://shop.example.com/result.php')
// redirect to checkout page

Handling response

Create page result.php with code below:

$result = new IpspPhp\Resource\Result();
$response = $api->call($result);
if( $response->validResponse() ){

Follow project on:


Stepan Kosatyi, stepan@kosatyi.com

Stepan Kosatyi