
Custom PHPUnit script that allows NetBeans to run tests on a remote host. Developed mainly to make working with Docker environments more convenient.

v1.0.4 2024-12-07 11:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 11:28:42 UTC


Custom PHPUnit script that allows NetBeans to run tests on a remote host. Developed mainly to make working with Docker environments more convenient.


You can simply place the script wherever you want to on your local computer.

Alternatively, you can install this composer package as a requirement of your test stack.

composer require interitty/nb-remote-phpunit


Activate remote execution in NetBeans as follows:

  • Right-click your project and click "Properties".
  • Navigate to "Testing > PHPUnit".
  • Check "Use Custom PHPUnit Script" and point "PHPUnit Script" to SCRIPT_PATH/ --docker-container=phpunit_1, where SCRIPT_PATH is an absolute path to the folder, where is the script situated.
  • Run tests as usual.

When the script is a part of the project test stack, the SCRIPT_PATH will be PROJECT_PATH/vendor/bin/.

Mostly default docker container name phpunit_1 is not the one you use. Don't forget to change this attribute.

NetBeans configuration example


There are some more settings, you may need to make to suit your needs.

Script parameterDescription
--base-dir="…"The base directory of all paths, which is also used for truncating output messages.
--bootstrap "…"The path to the bootstrap.php file. The default value is empty. Should be filled from NetBeans project settings "Use Bootstrap > Bootstrap".
--colors, --colors="…"Use colors in output ("never", "auto" or "always"). The default value is "auto". Can be changed by the argument of the script.
--configuration "…"Path to the phpunit.xml file. By default, the phpunit.xml file is searched in the current working directory or parent folders. Can be filled from NetBeans project settings "Use XML Configuration > XML Configuration".
--coverage-clover "…"Local path of the coverage report file. The default value is empty. Should be filled automatically, when the NetBeans asks for a coverage report.
--coverage-textGenerate code coverage report usable in the CI/CD pipelines
--docker-container="…"Name of the container, where should be remote PHPUnit executed. Default value is "phpunit_1". Can be changed by the argument of the script.
--docker-path="…"The path for the local docker binary. Default value is "/usr/local/bin/docker". Can be changed by the argument of the script.
--fail-fastStop processing other tests when the first error happens.
--filter="…"Name of the specific test to test. Should be filled automatically, when the NetBeans run a focused test method.
--group "…"Comma-separated list of test groups to test. The default value is empty. Should be filled automatically, when the NetBeans test selected groups.
--list-groupsWhen present, the list of available test groups is printed. Should be filled automatically, when the NetBeans asks for test groups.
--log-junit "…"Local path of the PHPUnit result file from where NetBeans parse the result. Should be filled automatically by the NetBeans.
--preserve-suiteBy default, the script skips sending NetBeansSuite.php to the docker because it is difficult to get him there and is useless. If it is intentionally required, use this parameter.
--remote-coverage-path="…"Remote path of the coverage report file. The parent folder of the path should be in the docker volume. The default value is "/tmp/junit/nb-phpunit-coverage.xml".
--remote-junit-path="…"Remote path of the PHPUnit result file from where NetBeans parse the result. The parent folder of the path should be in the docker volume. The default value is "/tmp/junit/nb-phpunit-log.xml".
--remote-phpunit-path="…"Remote path of the PHPUnit binary. Default value is "/root/.composer/vendor/bin/phpunit". Can be changed by the argument of the script.
--run="…"Path of the file or folder of tests the PHPUnit runs on. Should be filled in automatically by the NetBeans.
-v, --verboseShow debugging information about executed commands and filled variables. Can be set by the argument of the script.
--whitelist="…"Path of the files for checking the code coverage. The default value is empty. Should be filled automatically by the argument of the script. More info in PhpUnit docs.

Environment variables

Some settings can also be set using an environment variable.

Environment variableDescription
CLICOLOR=1Enable color output.
DEBUG=1Increase verbosity level to show also debug messages.
VERBOSE=1Increase verbosity level to show also warning messages.


This script requires the local path to the project to be the same as the path in the docker container. It does not provide any path conversion. The /opt/srv (opt, srv) folder is perfectly suited for this purpose.