
PHP Wrapper for the FocusVision Decipher REST Api

2.5 2022-07-11 07:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-11 11:27:26 UTC


This package provides a PHP wrapper for the FocusVision Decipher API, along with binding for using it in Laravel applications.


Install with composer:

composer require mrdth/decipher-api

Usage In Laravel

Add two new env vars:

The package will be auto-registered, and can be accessed via it's facade.

All calls to the API via the wrapper should be carried out inside a try - catch block; The wrapper does not deal with any Exceptions thrown by the underlying Guzzle client.

$directory = 'selfserve/99d';
$survey_id = '12345';


try {
    $survey_structure = \Decipher::getSurveyStructure('json');
    // Do whatever with $survey object
} catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException $e) {
    echo 'Error making request, server responded: ' . $e->getCode();

Usage as a standalone PHP Package

use InsitesConsulting\DecipherApi\Decipher;use InsitesConsulting\DecipherApi\Factories\Client;

$api_uri = '';
$directory = 'selfserve/99d';
$survey_id = '12345';

$client = new Client($api_uri, $api_key);
$decipher = new Decipher($client, $api_uri, $api_key);

All calls to the API via the wrapper should be carried out inside a try - catch block; The wrapper does not deal with any Exceptions thrown by the underlying Guzzle client.


try {
    $survey_structure = $decipher->getSurveyStructure('json');
    // Do whatever with $survey object
} catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException $e) {
    echo 'Error making request, server responded: ' . $e->getCode();

Methods exposed via the wrapper

  • getSurveyList() - Get a list of all surveys available with the current API key.
  • setServerDirectory(string $directory) - Directory where your projects are stored on the decipher server
  • setSurveyId(int $id) - Set the ID of the current survey to work with.
  • setCondition(string $condition) - Condition required to retrieve the participant. This is a Python condition as if you would enter in survey logic or crosstabs. For example, “qualified and q3.r2” retrieves only participants that were qualified and answered q3 as r2.
  • getSurveyStructure(string $format) - Retrieve the structure of available questions for a survey, returning htem in the specified format. Valid formats are: html, json, text, tab
  • getSurveyData(array $fields = ['all'], string $return_format = 'json', bool $raw = false, $start = null, $end = null) - Retrieve the responses to the question IDs passed in $fields from Decipher. Note: uuid & status fields will always be returned.
    Setting $raw to true will result in the raw Guzzle response object being returned, rather than $response->getBody().
    $start & $end can be set to ISO 8601 formatted datestrings (using Carbons toIso8601ZuluString() method, for example) to limit date range for responses returned.
    Any condition set using ::setCondition() will be applied
  • getSurveyFile(string $filename) - Retrieve the survey file called $filename as a string.