
dev-master 2020-02-04 22:46 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-08 18:31:37 UTC



Within your index.php or wherever you initialise Silex, include the following to register all the necessary services into Pimple.

$app->register(new \InSiteLogic\Integration\Salesforce\Listing\Silex\ListingIntegrationBundleProvider());


  • You are using some kind of Middleware that properly handles and parses JSON requests into the Request body field.
    • MicroServiceCore project provides a service provider that suits this requirement: JsonBodyParserServiceProvider
  • Your relevant database connection is wrapped in a ISDBAdapter class available via Pimple on the following Container key: db.
  • You are using the provided ServiceControllerServiceProvider to allow controllers as services.


  • /api/integration/salesforce POST URL for handling Listing messages.