
Generates starter code for a theme based on Innocode theme skeleton.

1.5.1 2019-10-25 11:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-25 22:55:32 UTC


Quick links: Using | Installing | Contributing


This package implements the following command:

wp scaffold theme

Generates starter code for a theme based on Innocode theme skeleton.

wp scaffold theme <slug> [--activate] [--enable-network] [--name=<title>] [--author=<full-name>] [--author_uri=<uri>] [--force]

See the WP Theme Skeleton for more details.


    The slug for the new theme.

    Activate the newly downloaded theme.

    Enable the newly downloaded theme for the entire network.

    What to put in the 'Theme Name:' header in 'style.css'. Default is <slug> with uppercase first letter.
    What to put in the 'Version:' header in 'style.css' and in the 'version' property in 'composer.json' and 'package.json' files. Default is '1.0.0'.
    What to put in the 'Description:' header in 'style.css' and in the 'description' property in 'composer.json' and 'package.json' files. Default is ''.

    What to put in the 'Author:' header in 'style.css'. Default is 'Innocode'.

    What to put in the 'Author URI:' header in 'style.css'. Default is ''.

    What to put in the 'Text Domain:' header in 'style.css'. Default is <slug>.
    What is a repo on Github for this project. Default is 'innocode-digital/<slug>'.

    Overwrite files that already exist.
	What is a source of skeleton theme. Possible values are 'github' and 'zip'. Default is 'github'.

	What is a username on Github. Default is 'innocode-digital'.

	What is a repository on Github. No need to use it when <skeleton_source> is 'zip'. Default is 'wp-theme-skeleton'.

	What is an URL of source. Applicable only when <skeleton_source> is 'zip'.

	Don't generate .env file.

	Don't show notice about need to run installation commands.


Installing this package requires WP-CLI v2.0.0 or greater. Update to the latest stable release with wp cli update.

Once you've done so, you can install this package with:

wp package install innocode-digital/wp-cli-scaffold-theme-command

To be able to authenticate to Github, so it will be possible to retrieve your user data and insert into composer.json as author as well as into package.json as contributor during scaffolding and also in case when you want to use private skeleton repository, you need to add token with one of the following methods:

  • Add to your local auth.json OAuth token from the command line:
composer config -g xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Add to your local auth.json OAuth token manually in $HOME/.composer/auth.json:
    "github-oauth": {
        "": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  • Define GITHUB_PAT constant in wp-config.php:
define( 'GITHUB_PAT', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' );

To generate token go to Settings / Developer settings. Token should has at least next scopes:

  • repo - Full control of private repositories
  • user
    • read:user - Read all user profile data