
Funny logger based on MongoDB

Installs: 771

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0


v2.0.0 2018-04-03 16:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 04:14:57 UTC



  1. You should have configured MongoDB where logs will be written, using doctrine/mongodb-odm-bundle.
  2. twig/extensions should be installed. Do not forget in app/services.yml define a service after bundle installation:

       class: Twig_Extensions_Extension_Intl
           - { name: twig.extension }


  1. composer require infinitesoftware/is-log-bundle
  2. Modify AppKernel.php as always:

     // app/AppKernel.php
     // ...
     class AppKernel extends Kernel
         // ...
         public function registerBundles()
             $bundles = array(
                 // ...
                 new InfiniteSoftware\Bundle\ISLogBundle\ISLogBundle(),
             // ...
  3. Add parameters to app/config.yml:

       email: '' # (Not mandatory) email where log entries will be sent
       component_name: 'main' # (Mandatory) system's name where log is used
  4. In app/routing_dev.yml include:

         resource: "@ISLogBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
         prefix:   /log

    Now you can visit the log by url: .../app_dev.php/log If you see page without css run in terminal: php bin/console assets:install --symlink


Exists three types of log:

  1. SystemLog
  2. TraderLog
  3. AdminLog
  4. TransactionLog

To write to any of this log you need service from the bundle - ISLogManager. For example in your Action you can do:

public function indexAction(LogManager $logManager)
        // $logManager = $this->get('is_log.manager.log_manager');
        $logManager->logSysEntry(LogManager::STATUS_WARNING, 'my warning msg');

        $logManager->logAdminEntry(LogManager::STATUS_INFO, 4, 'ban', 'user is banned', null, '#test');

        $logManager->logTraderEntry(LogManager::STATUS_INFO, 13, 'log in', 'trader is logged in');

        $logManager->logTxEntry(LogManager::STATUS_INFO, 13, 'Exchange', 144, 'received', false, 'money is received');

        // Exception automatically will be written to System Log.
        // Return passed exception, so it can be thrown, e.g.
        // throw $logManager->ex(new LogicException('My exception'));
        $logManager->ex(new LogicException('My exception'));

        // ...