infifni / fan-courier-api-client
Fan Courier API Client
Installs: 23 318
Dependents: 2
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 13
Watchers: 2
Forks: 6
Open Issues: 2
- php: >=7.0
- ext-curl: *
- php-curl-class/php-curl-class: ^7.1
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.1
Fan Courier API Client Library
License MIT
FanCourier API Client
A client developed as a library, easy to integrate in other projects.
Install the package through Composer.
Run the Composer require command from the Terminal:
composer require infifni/fan-courier-api-client
Now you're ready to start using the FanCourier API Client in your application.
Look at one of the following topics to learn more about FanCourier API Client.
// default values for testing purposes $clientId = '7032158'; $username = 'clienttest'; $password = 'testing'; // for all the methods available you can see the request params // in the associated class // e.g. use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Client; (new Client($clientId, $username, $password))->city(); // now check \Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Request\City::getFieldRules // to understand what params are required and which are optional
See the phpunit tests for more in depth understanding of how the library works. The FanCourier API Client library gives you the following methods to use:
city method
Retrieves cities based on county and language.
The city()
method will return an array of objects with: judet, localitate, agentie, km, cod_rutare, id_localitate_fan.
These keys will be translated if english language is being specified.
// examples use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Client; use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Request\City; // to fetch specific county (new Client('7032158', 'clienttest', 'testing')) ->city([ 'judet' => 'Constanta', // optional 'language' => City::LANGUAGE_RO_ALLOWED_VALUE // optional ]); // or to fetch all cities (new Client('7032158', 'clienttest', 'testing')) ->city();
streets method
Retrieves streets based on county, city and language.
The streets()
method will return an array of objects with the following keys: judet, localitate, strada, de_la, pana_la, paritate, cod_postal, tip, cod_cartare, numar_depozite.
These keys will be translated if english language is being specified.
use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Client; use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Request\Streets; // To fetch specific county (new Client('7032158', 'clienttest', 'testing')) ->streets([ 'judet' => 'Bucuresti', // optional 'localitate' => 'Bucuresti', // optional 'language' => Streets::LANGUAGE_RO_ALLOWED_VALUE // optional ]); // or to fetch all streets from Romania (new Client('7032158', 'clienttest', 'testing')) ->streets();
price method
Retrieves price based on service, package, distance and other params.
The price()
method will return a double (standard service) or a json string (export service).
use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Client; use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Request\Price; // standard service (new Client('7032158', 'clienttest', 'testing')) ->price([ 'serviciu' => Price::SERVICE_ALLOWED_VALUES['standard'], 'localitate_dest' => 'Targu Mures', 'judet_dest' => 'Mures', 'plicuri' => 1, 'colete' => 2, 'greutate' => 5, 'lungime' => 10, 'latime' => 10, 'inaltime' => 10, 'val_decl' => 600, 'plata_ramburs' => Price::SENDER_ALLOWED_VALUE, 'plata_la' => Price::RECIPIENT_ALLOWED_VALUE ]); // export service (new Client('7032158', 'clienttest', 'testing')) ->price([ 'serviciu' => Price::SERVICE_ALLOWED_VALUES['export'], 'modtrim' => Price::SEND_MODE_BY_AIR_ALLOWED_VALUE, 'greutate' => 10.22, 'pliccolet' => 3, 's_inaltime' => 50, 's_latime' => 67, 's_lungime' => 48, 'volum' => 400, 'dest_tara' => 'Bulgaria', 'tipcontinut' => 1, 'km_ext' => 400, 'plata_la' => Price::RECIPIENT_ALLOWED_VALUE ]);
Track expedition using AWB code.
The trackAwb()
method will return a plain text.
use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Client; use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Request\TrackAwb; (new Client('7032158', 'clienttest', 'testing')) ->trackAwb([ 'AWB' => '2337600120003', // required 'display_mode' => TrackAwb::DISPLAY_MODE_ALL_ALLOWED_VALUE, // required 'language' => TrackAwb::LANGUAGE_RO_ALLOWED_VALUE // optional ]);
generateAwb method
Send orders to generate AWB
The generateAwb()
method will return an array of objects with: line, awb, send_params, error_message.
use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Client; use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Request\GenerateAwb; (new Client('7032158', 'clienttest', 'testing')) ->generateAwb([ 'fisier' => [ [ 'tip_serviciu' => GenerateAwb::SERVICE_ALLOWED_VALUES['standard'], 'banca' => '', 'iban' => '', 'nr_plicuri' => 1, 'nr_colete' => 0, 'greutate' => 1, 'plata_expeditie' => 'ramburs', 'ramburs_bani' => 100, 'plata_ramburs_la' => GenerateAwb::RECIPIENT_ALLOWED_VALUE, 'valoare_declarata' => 400, 'persoana_contact_expeditor' => 'Test User', 'observatii' => 'Lorem ipsum', 'continut' => '', 'nume_destinar' => 'Test', 'persoana_contact' => 'Test', 'telefon' => '123456789', 'fax' => '123456789', 'email' => '', 'judet' => 'Galati', 'localitate' => 'Tecuci', 'strada' => 'Lorem', 'nr' => '2', 'cod_postal' => '123456', 'bl' => '', 'scara' => '', 'etaj' => '', 'apartament' => '', 'inaltime_pachet' => '', 'lungime_pachet' => '', 'restituire' => '', 'centru_cost' => '', 'optiuni' => '', 'packing' => '', 'date_personale' => '' ], [ 'tip_serviciu' => GenerateAwb::SERVICE_ALLOWED_VALUES['collector_account'], 'banca' => 'Test', 'iban' => 'XXXXXX', 'nr_plicuri' => 0, 'nr_colete' => 1, 'greutate' => 1, 'plata_expeditie' => 'ramburs', 'ramburs_bani' => 400, 'plata_ramburs_la' => GenerateAwb::RECIPIENT_ALLOWED_VALUE, 'valoare_declarata' => 400, 'persoana_contact_expeditor' => 'Test User', 'observatii' => 'Lorem ipsum', 'continut' => 'Fragil', 'nume_destinar' => 'Test', 'persoana_contact' => 'Test', 'telefon' => '123456789', 'fax' => '123456789', 'email' => '', 'judet' => 'Galati', 'localitate' => 'Tecuci', 'strada' => 'Lorem', 'nr' => '2', 'cod_postal' => '123456', 'bl' => '', 'scara' => '', 'etaj' => '', 'apartament' => '', 'inaltime_pachet' => '', 'lungime_pachet' => '', 'restituire' => '', 'centru_cost' => '', 'optiuni' => '', 'packing' => '', 'date_personale' => '' ] ]]);
order method
Place a order to a FanCourier Agent. The agent will come a pick-up the package at the requested hour, same day.
The order()
method will return a plain message if the request is being done successfully
use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Client; (new Client('7032158', 'clienttest', 'testing')) ->order([ 'nr_colete' => 1, 'pers_contact' => 'Test', 'tel' => 123456789, 'email' => '', 'greutate' => 1, 'inaltime' => 10, 'lungime' => 10, 'latime' => 10, 'ora_ridicare' => '18:00', 'observatii' => '', 'client_exp' => 'Test', 'strada' => 'Test', 'nr' => 1, 'bloc' => 2, 'scara' => 3, 'etaj' => 7, 'ap' => 78, 'localitate' => 'Constanta', 'judet' => 'Constanta', ]);
exportAwbErrors method
All FanCourier AWB with errors.
The exportAwbErrors()
method will return an empty array or with objects containing: nume, judet, localitate, telefon, plicuri, colete, greutate, descriere.
use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Client; (new Client('7032158', 'clienttest', 'testing')) ->exportAwbErrors();
deleteAwb method
Deletes AWB only if the shipping process has not finished.
The deleteAwb()
method will return an int (the deleted AWB number) if the request was successful or the error message.
use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Client; (new Client('7032158', 'clienttest', 'testing')) ->deleteAwb([ 'AWB' => '2337600120003' ]);
getAwb method
Return documents containing shipping details.
The getAwb()
method will return a html page containing documents that can be printed if the request was successful or the error message.
use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Client; use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Request\GetAwb; (new Client('7032158', 'clienttest', 'testing')) ->getAwb([ 'nr' => '2337600120003', 'page' => GetAwb::PAGE_A4_ALLOWED_VALUE, 'ln' => GetAwb::LANGUAGE_RO_ALLOWED_VALUE ]);
downloadAwb method
Returns AWB document in jpg format.
The downloadAwb()
method will return a jpg if the request is made successfully or the error message.
use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Client; use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Request\DownloadAwb; (new Client('7032158', 'clienttest', 'testing')) ->downloadAwb([ 'AWB'=>'2337600120003', 'language' => DownloadAwb::LANGUAGE_RO_ALLOWED_VALUE ]);
exportOrders method
All orders made within selected date through order method.
The exportOrders()
method will return an empty array or with objects containing: nr._crt., data_ridicare_comanda, ora_de_la, ora_pana_la, persoana_contact, telefon, email, colete, numar_comanda, status.
use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Client; use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Request\ExportOrders; (new Client('7032158', 'clienttest', 'testing')) ->exportOrders([ 'data' => '22.05.2020', 'language' => ExportOrders::LANGUAGE_RO_ALLOWED_VALUE ]);
exportBordereau method
All orders made within selected date through generateAwb method.
The exportBordereau()
method will return an empty array or with objects containing: nr._crt., awb, ridicat, status, data_confirmarii, restituire, tip_serviciu, continut...
use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Client; use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Request\ExportBordereau; (new Client('7032158', 'clienttest', 'testing')) ->exportBordereau([ 'data' => '22.05.2020', 'language' => ExportBordereau::LANGUAGE_RO_ALLOWED_VALUE, 'mode' => ExportBordereau::MODE_ALL_ALLOWED_VALUE ]);
exportReports method
Returns all expeditions that have placed the total amount in the deposit account within selected date for the bank transfer.
The exportReports()
method will return an empty array or with objects containing: oras_destinatar, dat_awb, suma_incasata, numar_awb, numar_awb, expeditor, destinatar, continut, persoanaD, data_virament, persoanaE, ramburs_la_awb, awb_retur
use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Client; use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Request\ExportReports; (new Client('7032158', 'clienttest', 'testing')) ->exportReports([ 'data' => '22.05.2020', 'language' => ExportReports::LANGUAGE_RO_ALLOWED_VALUE ]);
exportObservations method
Returns all observations that can be set when an expedition is being requested.
The exportObservations()
method will return an empty array or with objects containing: observatii_fan_courier
use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Client; (new Client('7032158', 'clienttest', 'testing')) ->exportObservations();
endBordereau method
Will close all orders made for the current date.
The endBordereau()
method will return a html.
use Infifni\FanCourierApiClient\Client; (new Client('7032158', 'clienttest', 'testing')) ->endBordereau();
The FanCourier package will throw exceptions if something goes wrong. This way it's easier to debug your code using the FanCourier package or to handle the error based on the type of exceptions. The FanCourier packages can throw the following exceptions:
Exception |
FanCourierInstanceException |
FanCourierInvalidParamException |
FanCourierUnknownRequestException |
CsvWrongReadException |