
A PHP library for processing EPUB files.

1.0.0 2025-02-08 09:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 07:31:36 UTC


Scrutinizer Code Quality codecov Tests

PHP EPUB Processor

A PHP library for processing EPUB files, including parsing, metadata manipulation, and format conversion. This library provides tools to handle EPUB files efficiently, offering features like validation, content management, and conversion to other formats using various adapters.


  • EPUB Loading and Saving: Easily load and save EPUB files.
  • Metadata Management: Read and update metadata such as title, authors, and language.
  • Content Management: Add, update, and delete content files within an EPUB.
  • Validation: Validate the structure and content of EPUB files.
  • Conversion: Convert EPUB files to PDF and other formats using adapters for TCPDF, Dompdf, and Calibre.


To install the library, use Composer:

composer require indy2kro/php-epub

Ensure that you have the necessary PHP extensions and optional libraries installed for full functionality:

  • Required: ext-xml, ext-zip
  • Optional: dompdf/dompdf, tecnickcom/tcpdf for PDF conversion, Calibre for mobi conversion


Loading an EPUB File:

use PhpEpub\EpubFile;

$epubFile = new EpubFile('/path/to/your.epub');

Converting to PDF

Using TCPDF:

use PhpEpub\Converters\TCPDFAdapter;

$adapter = new TCPDFAdapter();
$adapter->convert('/path/to/extracted/epub', '/path/to/output.pdf');

Managing Metadata

use PhpEpub\Metadata;
use PhpEpub\EpubFile;

$epubFilePath = '/path/to/your.epub';

$epubFile = new EpubFile($epubFilePath);

$metadata = $epubFile->getMetadata();
$title = $metadata->getTitle();
$metadata->setTitle('New Title');


Code Quality

To maintain high standards of code quality, this project uses several tools:

  • PHP CodeSniffer (PHPCS): Ensures your code adheres to a set of coding standards. Check the code with:
  • PHPStan: A static analysis tool for finding bugs in your code. Run it using:
  • Rector: A tool for automated code refactoring. Use it to apply coding standards and upgrade code:


To run the tests, use PHPUnit:
