
A class to make presenting knowledge base content easier

v1.5 2021-10-18 17:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-15 00:32:42 UTC


A class to make presenting knowledge base content easier


  • indiana-university/iukb-api-php


Usage is pretty simple, you simply call the create method statically on the factory class.


use Edu\Iu\Uits\KnowledgeBase\Document\ContentFactory;

$doc = $kb->getDocument('amyk');
$content = ContentFactory::create($doc->getContent());
echo $content->getBody();


The links the KB returns may not be valid for your uses. To alter them a a function is provided to 'rebase' them. This will let you change the part before the four character document id.

use Edu\Iu\Uits\KnowledgeBase\Document\ContentFactory;

$doc = $kb->getDocument('amyk');
$content = ContentFactory::create($doc->getContent());

// If the hrefs are simply the doc id but need to be /help/docid
$content->rebaseKbLinks('', '/help/');

// If the links are full urls to the KB but need to be /help/docid
$content->rebaseKbLinks('', '/help/');

Rivet Styles

Currently the KB uses a custom bootstrap theme and so the class names follow the bootstrap names. This is incompatible with Rivet. If you wish to display documents using the rivet styles you can simply use the rivetize() function.

This function is based on the Indiana University official "rivetizer" javascript library. For more information about the rivetizer, visit

use Edu\Iu\Uits\KnowledgeBase\Document\ContentFactory;

$doc = $kb->getDocument('amyk');
$content = ContentFactory::create($doc->getContent());


Contributions are welcome in the form of a github pull request. Note, for consistency sake, please run composer check and composer run-tests on any code you wish to contribute to this project and fix and resolve any issues found