inanepain / inane
Offers: File Metadata, Server http file with resume, Enum, zf2 config reader, observer pattern, zf3 custom config autoload and string tools, array merge
- php: >=8.1
- laminas/laminas-http: *
- psr/container: *
$Id$ ($Date$)
For a brief few notes on what's Inane Class check out the InaneClasses Wiki. Will be fleshing this out over time. But don't hold your breath. If you want something specific... Ask!
Check out the CHANGELOG if you wanna see the road travelled thus far.
Installing Inane Classes
- PHP >= 8.0
- laminas/laminas-http >= 2.8
php composer.phar require inanepain/inane
Stuff to add to composer.json
"require": { "inanepain/inane" : ">=0", }
then simply run:
php composer.phar update
CREATE TABLE `logs` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `priority` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `priorityName` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `timestamp` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `message` text, `extra_route` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `extra_user_id` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `extra_session` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, `extra_ip_address` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `extra_file` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `extra_line` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `extra_class` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL, `extra_function` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `extra_options` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) );
'factories' => [ 'LogService' => function ($sm) { $logger = new Logger(); $priority = new Priority(getenv('LOG_LEVEL') ?: $logger::WARN); $fileWriterGeneral = new Stream('log/general.log'); $dbWriter = new Db(GlobalAdapterFeature::getStaticAdapter(), 'logs'); $dbWriter->setFormatter(new \Laminas\Log\Formatter\Db('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $fileWriterGeneral->addFilter($priority); $dbWriter->addFilter($priority); $logger->addWriter($fileWriterGeneral); $logger->addWriter($dbWriter); return $logger; }, ]
A simple dump tool that neatly stacks its collapsed dumps on the bottom of the page.
option: Dumper::enabled
Set it to false to stop ALL output from Dumper. Instant quiet.
Quick & Easy:
When Dumper starts it registers a global function dd
which is a shortcut for the Dumper::dump
. Calling Dumper::dumper()
once early in your apps life cycle means you can use dd
from then on out.
Or you can create your own dd
function where it fits best for you.
/** * Dumper shortcut * * @param mixed $data * @param string|null $label * @param array $options * * @return \Inane\Debug\Dumper */ function dd(mixed $data = null, ?string $label = null, array $options = []): \Inane\Debug\Dumper { return \Inane\Debug\Dumper::dump($data, $label, $options); }
only takes one set of dumps at a time: item to dump, an optional label and options.
To dump multiple variables simply bracket it right after the first set.
$var1 = someFunction(); $var2 = another($var1); $var3 = again($var1); dd($var1, 'someFunction')($var2, 'another')($var3, 'again');
Silence Attribute
Dumper has a Silence attribute that can be applied to classes and methods to... silence dumper within class/method. Silencing a class prevents any dumper output regardless of any method silences within.
: default -true
. sets silence on or off.
Using a global constant you can easily set the state from a central point.
e.g.: simplified code
// some central place: config.php define('DUMPER_SILENCE_CLASS', false); define('DUMPER_SILENCE_METHOD', true); // IndexDemo.php #[Silence(DUMPER_SILENCE_CLASS)] class IndexDemo { protected function logSilence(): void { dd(DUMPER_SILENCE_CLASS, 'This WILL show since DUMPER_SILENCE_CLASS == false'); } #[Silence(DUMPER_SILENCE_METHOD)] public function indexAction() { $this->logSilence(); dd(DUMPER_SILENCE_METHOD, 'This will NOT show since DUMPER_SILENCE_METHOD == true'); } }
Hey, got any ideas or suggestions.
Email me