
Extendes Laravel Html builder functionality

dev-develop 2014-12-08 09:38 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 05:47:11 UTC


Extendes Laravel Html builder functionality, providing configuration-based automatic external url redirection to serve assets from CDNs


Add package as a composer dependency

In your composer.json file, include

"require": {
        "inakianduaga/laravel-html-builder-extensions" : "dev-master",

and then run

composer update --no-scripts inakianduaga/laravel-html-builder-extensions

to install the package

Register package in the laravel application

After you've updated your composer packages, in app.php replace the native Laravel Html builder service provider by the one in this package:

    'providers' => array(
    // 'Illuminate\Html\HtmlServiceProvider', //remove this line
       'InakiAnduaga\LaravelHtmlBuilderExtensions\LaravelHtmlBuilderExtensionsServiceProvider', //add this one

Publish package configuration

In the laravel installation root folder, run

php artisan config:publis inakianduaga/laravel-html-builder-extensions

You can then modify the example values in the file app/config/packages/inakianduaga/laravel-html-builder-extensions/config.php

Configure Assets Redirection (CDNs)

  • Script, styles and images can be redirected through an external url individually, see configuration
  • Image redirection is enabled by file extension, so you can skip redirecting certain images

Configure Image lazy loading



Usage is the same as the native laravel HTML builder, for example

{{ HTML::image('src', 'alt', options) }}
{{ HTML::styles('src') }}
{{ HTML::scripts('src') }}