
An MT940 bank statement parser for PHP




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An MT940 bank statement parser for PHP

Build Status


You can install imetal/mt940 using Composer. You can read more about Composer and its main repository at First install Composer for your project using the instructions on the Packagist home page, then define your dependency on imetal/mt940 in your composer.json file.

composer require imetal/mt940

This library follows the PSR-0 standard. You will need a PSR-0 compliant autoloader to load the imetal/mt940 classes. Composer provides one for you in your vendor/.composer/autoload.php.

PSR-12 standard is for Code-Syntax.



use Jejik\MT940\Reader;

$reader = new Reader();
$statements = $reader->getStatements(file_get_contents('mt940.txt'));

foreach ($statements as $statement) {
    echo $statement->getOpeningBalance()->getAmount() . "\n";

    foreach ($statement->getTransactions() as $transaction) {
        echo $transaction->getAmount() . "\n";

    echo $statement->getClosingBalance()->getAmount() . "\n";

Statement structure

The returned statements have the following properties. Not all banks supply all properties (e.g. only few provide a transaction book date separately). Properties that are not supplied will be null.

  • Jejik\MT940\StatementInterface
    • getNumber() Statement sequence number
    • getAccount() An object implementing Jejik\MT940\AccountInterface
    • getOpeningBalance() An object implementing Jejik\MT940\BalanceInterface
    • getClosingBalance() An object implementing Jejik\MT940\BalanceInterface
    • getTransactions() An array of objects implementing Jejik\MT940\TransactionInterface
  • Jejik\MT940\AccountInterface
    • getNumber() The account number
    • getName() The account holder name
  • Jejik\MT940\BalanceInterface
    • getCurrency() 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code
    • getAmount() Balance amount
    • getDate() Balance date as a \DateTime object
  • Jejik\MT940\TransactionInterface
    • getContraAccount() An object implementing Jejik\MT940\AccountInterface
    • getAmount() Transaction amount
    • getDescription() Description text
    • getValueDate() Date of the transaction as a \DateTime
    • getBookDate() Date the transaction was booked as a \DateTime
    • getCode() Get Code for this transaction
    • getRef() Get Ref for this transaction
    • getBankRef() Get BankRef for this transaction
    • getGVC() Get GVC for this transaction
    • getTxText() Get txText for this transaction
    • getPrimanota() Get primanota for this transaction
    • getExtCode() Get extCode for this transaction
    • getEref() Get ERef for this transaction
    • getBIC() Get BIC for this transaction
    • getIBAN() Get IBAN for this transaction
    • getAccountHolder() Get Account Holder for this transaction
    • getKref() Get Kref for this transaction
    • getMref() Get Mref for this transaction
    • getCred() Get Cred for this transaction
    • getSvwz() Get Svwz for this transaction

Supported banks

Currencly there are statement parsers for the following banks:

  • Commerzbank
  • Deutsche Bank
  • German Bank
  • ING
  • Knab
  • Landesbank Berlin
  • NuaPay Bank
  • Oldenburgische Landesbank
  • PostFinance
  • Rabobank
  • SNS
  • Sparkasse
  • StarMoney
  • Triodos Bank
  • UniCredit Bank

Adding bank parsers

You can easily add your own parser to the statement reader.


use Jejik\MT940\Reader;

$reader = new Reader();
$reader->addParser('My bank', 'My\Bank');

When you add your own parser, the default list of parsers is cleared. You must add them back if you want the reader to support them as well.


/** @var \Jejik\MT940\Reader $reader */

You can also add your parser at a specific place in the parser chain. For example, this is how you add your parser before the ING parser.


/** @var \Jejik\MT940\Reader $reader */
$reader->addParser('My bank', 'My\Bank', 'ING');

Custom parsers should extend the Jejik\MT940\Parser\AbstractParser class. Have a look at the parsers already implemented to see how to support your bank. At the very minimum, you should implement the accept() method.


namespace My;

use Jejik\MT940\Parser\AbstractParser;

class Bank extends AbstractParser
    public function accept(string $text): bool
        return strpos($text, 'MYBANK') !== false;

Injecting classes

You can easily extend the build-in objects and inject them into the MT940 reader. This allows for easily integrating MT940 into your application. For example, by storing the statements in your database. You can inject them using the following methods:

  • setStatementClass($className) defaults to Jejik\MT940\Statement
  • setAccountClass($className) defaults to Jejik\MT940\Account
  • setContraAccountClass($className) defaults to Jejik\MT940\Account
  • setTransactionClass($className) defaults to Jejik\MT940\Transaction
  • setOpeningBalanceClass($className) defaults to Jejik\MT940\Balance
  • setClosingBalanceClass($className) defaults to Jejik\MT940\Balance

You can either specify the classname as a string, or provide a PHP callable that returns an object. Your classes do not have to extend the built-in classes but they must implement the proper interfaces.

The callable for the Statement class is passed an AccountInterface and the statement sequence number as parameters. The callable for the Account class and ContraAccount class are passed the account number as parameter. The other callables are not passed any variables.

If the callable for the Account class or Statement class returns null then that statement will be skipped by the parser.

An example, integrating MT940 with your ORM:


use Jejik\MT940\AccountInterface;
use Jejik\MT940\Reader;

$db = new ORM(); // Whatever your flavour is...
$reader = new Reader();

$reader->setAccountClass(function ($accountNumber) use ($db) {
    $account = $db::factory('My\Account')->findBy(array(
        'number' => $accountNumber,

    return $account ?: new My\Account();

$reader->setStatementClass(function (AccountInterface $account, $number) use ($db) {
    $statement = $db::factory('My\Statement')->findBy(array(
        'account' => $account->getNumber(),
        'number'  => $number,

    return $statement ?: new My\Statement();


foreach ($reader->getStatements(file_get_contents('mt940.txt'))) {


If you have written a parser for your bank, I'd be happy to add it to the list of default parsers. Just send me a Pull Request with your parsers. Make sure that you also add a unit test for it that parses a test document. You can redact personal information from the test document (e.g. use '123456789' for the account number, etcetera).

I am also happy to implement a parser for you, if you prefer that. Just open an issue and I will contact you privately. I will need an unredacted MT940 file from your bank. It needs to be unredacted because the MT940 isn't well defined and can be fickle. If you redact it, it is possible that the parser I write will work on the file you supplied but not on the real thing. Of course, I will redact the file for you when I add it to my unit tests.

Do not add unredacted MT940 files in the issue tracker please. Send them to me privately. My e-mail address is listed in the source code files.


Jejik\MT940 is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE.txt file for the full details. The test files for the ABN-AMRO, ING, Rabobank and Triodos bank come from the dovadi/mt940 ruby parser. Their license can be found in the LICENSE.fixtures.txt file.

The test file for Sparkasse come from Dominic Richter / Powercloud GmbH. The Parser Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank, German Bank, Landesbank Berlin, NuaPay, Oldenburgische Landesbank, Sparkasse, StarMoney and Unicredit come from Powercloud GmbH.