icovn / laravel-zipkin
Zipkin Library for Laravel.
- php: ^7.1
- openzipkin/zipkin: ^1.3.6
A library wants to help the use Openzipkin for Laravel.
Table of contents
Laravel version Compatibility
Laravel | Package |
5.x | not tested |
>= 6.x.x | 1.0.x |
No requirements are necessary.
- Installation using composer:
composer require mts88/laravel-zipkin
- And add the service provider in
- You may also register an alias for the ZipkinService by adding the following to the alias array in
'Zipkin' => Mts88\LaravelZipkin\Facades\Zipkin,
Run the command below to publish the package config file config/zipkin.php
php artisan vendor:publish
in your .env
file define these parameters and set up your configuration:
ZIPKIN_HOST=http://localhost ZIPKIN_PORT=9411
Automatic API tracing
The library offer an automatic tracing of request, in particular about your API. In order to use this automatic tracing you have:
- Insert the middleware in your
where do you want automatic tracing. For example you can use in api block:
'api' => [ 'throttle:60,1', 'bindings', // Others middleware \Mts88\LaravelZipkin\Middlewares\ZipkinRequestLogger::class, ],
- Each controller of Api must extends
(check BaseController):
class MyApiController extends ZipkinBaseController{ // My Api Methods }
You can easly access to ZipkinService by dependency injection. In your Controller
you can access in this way:
use Mts88\LaravelZipkin\Services\ZipkinService; class MyAwesomeController extends Controller{ public function __construct(ZipkinService $zipkinService) { // Do something with $zipkinService } }
If you want to automatize child span between controllers and methods, you can use ZipkinBaseController
and foreach method called in Controller he create automatically a span for the current rootSpan instance.
note: ZipkinBaseController doen't create rootSpan, so you have to create before methods are called. For example in middleware.
use Mts88\LaravelZipkin\Controllers\ZipkinBaseController; class MyAwesomeController extends ZipkinBaseController { // My Awesome Methods }
In this way you don't need to access to $zipkinService
in __construct
, but if you need to override it you have to call parent constructor:
use Mts88\LaravelZipkin\Services\ZipkinService; use Mts88\LaravelZipkin\Controllers\ZipkinBaseController; class MyAwesomeController extends ZipkinBaseController{ public function __construct(ZipkinService $zipkinService) { parent::__construct($zipkinService); // Do something with your override } }
note: in your MyAwesomeController
now you can access to ZipkinService with public variable of ZipkinBaseController
// zipkinService instance $this->zipkinService;
Create trace and rootSpan
In order to create a rootSpan you can use this code
$this->zipkinService = new ZipkinService(); // or you can access in others way // Create trace $this->zipkinService->setTracer('my_trace_name', $request->ip()); $tags = [ "my_value1" => "hello", "my_value2" => "world" ]; // Create RootSpan $this->zipkinService->createRootSpan('root_span_of_request', $tags); // Set Annotation $this->zipkinService->setRootSpanAnnotation('my_annotation_1', \Zipkin\Timestamp\Timestamp\now()); // Dedicated Tags Methods $this->zipkinService->setRootSpanMethod('GET') // Method of request ->setRootSpanPath('/') // Path of request ->setRootSpanStatusCode("200") // Response Code Server ->setRootAuthUser(Auth::user()); // User that perform request // Insert others tags $this->setRootSpanTag('my_value3', "ciao") ->setRootSpanTag('my_value4', "mondo"); // Close rootSpan and tracer $this->zipkinService->closeSpan();
Child span
To create a child span:
// Create tracer $tracing = $this->zipkinService->createTracing('child_span_tracing', $request->ip()); $tracer = $tracing->getTracer(); // Create Span $span = $tracer->nextSpan($this->zipkinService->getRootSpanContext()); $span->annotate("Start", \Zipkin\Timestamp\Timestamp\now()); $span->setName('Child span method'); $span->start(\Zipkin\Timestamp\Timestamp\now()); // Create Tag for Child Span $span->tag("my_tag_1", 'Hello'); $span->tag("my_tag_2", 'World'); // Make annotation $span->annotate("End", \Zipkin\Timestamp\Timestamp\now()); // Close Span $span->finish(\Zipkin\Timestamp\Timestamp\now()); $tracer->flush();
Open an issue on GitHub if you have any problems or suggestions.
The contents of this repository is released under the MIT license.