iamzz-cn / dingding-webhook
Installs: 3 736
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 3
Watchers: 1
Forks: 0
Open Issues: 0
- php: >=7.2
- ext-json: *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^6.0||^7.0
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.0
dingtalk robot api SDK for PHP
by iamzz
The DingTalk group chat robot PHP package version is used to quickly send DingTalk group chat robot messages.
- php >= 7.2
- ext-json >= *
To use this library with Composer, first install it with:
$ composer require iamzz-cn/dingding-webhook
Get the robot's access token through the DingTalk client (pc). It is recommended to sign the security settings (of course you can choose all) to get the access key secret.
use Iamzz\Dingtalk\Dingding; use Iamzz\Dingtalk\MsgType\ActionCard; use Iamzz\Dingtalk\MsgType\FeedCard; use Iamzz\Dingtalk\MsgType\Link; use Iamzz\Dingtalk\MsgType\Markdown; use Iamzz\Dingtalk\MsgType\Text; //Instantiate an instance of the \Iamzz\Dingtalk\Dingding class $dd = new Dingding('token','secret'); //Instantiate the message type instance //textType $message = new Text('我就是我, {a}是不一样的烟火'); $message->setAtMobiles(['a' => '188xxxx8888']); $message->setIsAll(true); //linkType $title = '时代的火车向前开'; $text = '这个即将发布的新版本,创始人xx称它为红树林。而在此之前,每当面临重大升级,产品经理们都会取一个应景的代号,这一次,为什么是红树林'; $messageUrl = 'https://www.dingtalk.com/s?__biz=MzA4NjMwMTA2Ng==&mid=2650316842&idx=1&sn=60da3ea2b29f1dcc43a7c8e4a7c97a16&scene=2&srcid=09189AnRJEdIiWVaKltFzNTw&from=timeline&isappinstalled=0&key=&ascene=2&uin=&devicetype=android-23&version=26031933&nettype=WIFI'; $message = new Link($title, $text, $messageUrl); //markdownType $title = '杭州天气'; $text = "#### 杭州天气 {a} \n> 9度,西北风1级,空气良89,相对温度73%\n> \n> ###### 10点20分发布 [天气](https://www.dingtalk.com) \n"; $message = new Markdown($title, $text); $message->setAtMobiles(['a' => '188xxxx8888']); //整体跳转ActionCard类型 $title = '乔布斯 20 年前想打造一间苹果咖啡厅,而它正是 Apple Store 的前身'; $text = "\n ### 乔布斯 20 年前想打造的苹果咖啡厅\n Apple Store 的设计正从原来满满的科技感走向生活化,而其生活化的走向其实可以追溯到 20 年前苹果一个建立咖啡馆的计划"; $buttons = [ '阅读全文' => 'https://www.dingtalk.com/', ]; $message = new ActionCard($title, $text, $buttons); //独立跳转ActionCard类型 $buttons = [ '阅读全文1' => 'https://www.dingtalk.com/', '阅读全文2' => 'https://www.dingtalk.com/', ]; $message = new ActionCard($title, $text, $buttons); //feed card $feedCardData = [ [ 'title' => '时代的火车向前开1', 'messageURL' => 'https://www.dingtalk.com/', 'picURL' => 'https://img.alicdn.com/tfs/TB1NwmBEL9TBuNjy1zbXXXpepXa-2400-1218.png', ], [ 'title' => '时代的火车向前开2', 'messageURL' => 'https://www.dingtalk.com/', 'picURL' => 'https://img.alicdn.com/tfs/TB1NwmBEL9TBuNjy1zbXXXpepXa-2400-1218.png', ], ]; $message = new FeedCard($feedCardData); //Send through the `send()` method of the `\Iamzz\Dingtalk\Dingding` instance object $dd->send($message);
The text and markdown type messages support automatic filling of @ information, for example:
//如果消息体内需要展示出"{",请使用"\{"转义。 use Iamzz\Dingtalk\MsgType\Text; $text = new Text('test content \{a\}'); $text->setAtMobiles(['a'=>'150xxxxxxxx']);
Supported message types
- text类型
- link类型
- markdown类型
- 整体跳转ActionCard类型
- 独立跳转ActionCard类型
- FeedCard类型