
PHP SDK for xt.com

1.0.3 2022-04-22 06:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-22 11:18:15 UTC


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This project is designed to help you make your own projects that interact with the XT API.


composer require iamirnet/xtcom
Click for help with installation

Install Composer

If the above step didn't work, install composer and try again.

Debian / Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install curl php-curl
curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
php composer.phar install

Composer not found? Use this command instead:

php composer.phar require "iamirnet/xtcom"

Installing on Windows

Download and install composer:

  1. https://getcomposer.org/download/
  2. Create a folder on your drive like C:\iAmirNet\XT
  3. Run command prompt and type cd C:\iAmirNet\XT
  4. composer require iamirnet/xtcom
  5. Once complete copy the vendor folder into your project.

Getting started

composer require iamirnet/xtcom

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// config by specifying api key and secret
$api = new \iAmirNet\XT\Client("<api key>","<secret>");


Trading Market Configuration more...

//Call this before running any functions
print_r($api->marketConfig(/* optional */"btc_usdt"));

Kline/Candlestick Data more...

//Call this before running any functions
print_r($api->kline("btc_usdt",/* Kline type is optional */ "1min",/* Since is optional */  0));

Aggregated Markets (Ticker) more...

//Call this before running any functions

Latest Ticker of all Markets more...

//Call this before running any functions

Market Depth Data more...

//Call this before running any functions

Latest Market Transactions Record more...

//Call this before running any functions

Get Server Time more...

//Call this before running any functions

Get Trading (Spot) Account Assets more...

//Call this before running any functions

Get the Account Type more...

//Call this before running any functions

Get Specific Account Assets more...

//Call this before running any functions
$accountId = 2;

Place a New Order more...

//Call this before running any functions
$quantity = 1;
$price = 0.0005;
print_r($api->buy("btc_usdt", $quantity, $price, "LIMIT"));
//Call this before running any functions
$quantity = 1;
$price = 0.0006;
print_r($api->sell("btc_usdt", $quantity, $price, "LIMIT"));

Bulk Orders more...

//Call this before running any functions
$data = [
        "price" => 10000.123,
        "amount" => 0.1,
        "type" => 1    // 1, buy, 0 sell
        "price" => 10000.123,
        "amount" => 0.1,
        "type" => 0    // 1, buy, 0 sell
print_r($api->bulkOrders("btc_usdt", $data));

Cancel an Order more...

//Call this before running any functions
$orderId = 156387346384491;
print_r($api->cancel("btc_usdt", $orderId));

Cancel the Bulk Orders more...

//Call this before running any functions
$data = [];
$data[] = 157154392122493;
$data[] = 157154392122494;
$data[] = 157154392122495;
$data[] = 157154392122496;
$data[] = 157154392122497;
print_r($api->bulkOrdersCancel("btc_usdt", $data));

Order Information more...

//Call this before running any functions
$orderId = 156387346384491;
print_r($api->orderInfo("btc_usdt", $orderId));

Get Uncompleted Orders more...

$openorders = $api->openOrders("btc_usdt",/* page is optional */ 1,/* pageSize is optional */  10);

Get a batch of Orders Information more...

//Call this before running any functions
$data = [];
$data[] = 157154392122493;
$data[] = 157154392122494;
$data[] = 157154392122495;
$data[] = 157154392122496;
$data[] = 157154392122497;
print_r($api->bulkOrdersInfo("btc_usdt", $data));

Get Transaction Records more...

$mytrades = $api->myTrades("btc_usdt",
        /* limit is optional */ 200,
        /* Start Time is optional */  1626428273000,
        /* End Time is optional */  1626428873020,
        /* From ID is optional */  6821734611983271937);


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  • USDT Or TRX: TUE8GiY4vmz831N65McwzZVbA9XEDaLinn 😘❤