
Google distance matrix API - Estimate travel time and distance for multiple origins and destinations.

v0.0.10 2017-11-18 00:07 UTC


Estimate travel time and distance for multiple destinations.


Requires PHP 7.0 or higher.


The best way to install ialex97/google-distance-matrix is using Composer:

$ composer require ialex97/google-distance-matrix

Getting Started

First of all autoload and then include its namespace:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use IonescuAlex\GoogleDistanceMatrix\GoogleDistanceMatrix;
$distanceMatrix = new GoogleDistanceMatrix('YOUR API KEY');
$distance = $distanceMatrix->setLanguage('en-US')
    ->addOrigin('49.950096, 14.668544')
    ->addOrigin('49.950096, 15.668544')
    ->addDestination('50.031817, 14.490880')
    ->addDestination('51.031817, 14.490880')
$distanceMatrix = new GoogleDistanceMatrix('YOUR API KEY');
$distance = $distanceMatrix
    ->setOrigin('K Habrovci 447, 251 63 Strančice, Česká republika')
    ->setDestination('Roztylská 2321/19, Chodov, 148 00 Praha-Praha 11, Česká republika')

For more info, please visit https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/distance-matrix/