
Yaml based library for configurations

1.0.1 2021-12-02 10:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-29 04:19:06 UTC


This library is YAML implementation of config library. It uses yaml file format to take care of application configurations.

List of abilities of library:

  • Implenent bunch of special tag, that help create complex multifile configurations
  • The flexibility to add custom logic to compile files

Usage example:

Create configuration files. All files locates in one configuration directory.

# main.yaml
- !sub common/base
- !env base

# commone/base.yaml
id: 'accounting'
basePath: !var
  key: baseDir
  value: !call
    name: dirname
    args: !interpret $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']
    class: App/Connection/DbClass
    class: App/Logger
    class: App/Common/Security

# dev/base.yaml
      port: '5543'
      host: 'localhost'
    targets: [ 'DEBUG', 'TEST', 'INFO' ]
    keyDir: !concatenate
      - !var baseDir
      - /kyes/public

Than create configurator class with config resources and Yaml compiler.

$config = new \Hurtcode\Config\Yaml\Config('config/diractory/path', 'entpryPointFile');
$compiler = new \Hurtcode\Config\Yaml\Compiler(
    new \Hurtcode\Config\Yaml\Tag\AbstractTagProcessorFactory(
        new \Hurtcode\Config\Yaml\Tag\TagProcessorMap()

$applicationConfigs = (new \Hurtcode\Config\Configurator($config, $compiler))->run();

As result we recieves one php array with configurations

    'id' => 'accounting',
    'basePath' => '/var/httpd/sites/example',
    'components' => [
        'db' => [
            'class' => 'App/Connection/DbClass',
            'connection' => [
                'port' => '5543',
                'host' => 'localhost'
        'log' => [
            'class' => 'App/Logger',
            'targets' => [
        'security' => [
            'class' => 'App/Common/Security',
            'keyDir' => '/var/httpd/sites/example/kyes/public'

Library work description

This labrary is baseed on Symfony's YAML and Yaml tags. All tags do specific logic, like creating configuration variables or string concatanating. Tag functionality is depends on two interfaces TagProcessorFactoryInterface, that creates processor class for curtain tag and TagProcessorsMapInterface, that need to tied tag with its processor class ( it is needed only for base TagProcessorFactoryInterface - AbstractTagProcessorFactory). So if need more specific tag or another processing logic make own implementation of that interfaces

By defualt Config YAML processes next tags:

  • call
  • env
  • concatenate
  • merge
  • interpret
  • sub
  • get
  • var

All this tags contains in tag list class

Tags and processors

Callable processor


Helps to call php function in configurations. Function name takes from name kay of tag's value Also you can pass arguments, by args key

Tag rules:

  • Value has to contain 'name' key.
  • 'name' has to be string
  • If you pass args as array it has to be indexed (without string keys)


name: substr
 - string
 - 0
 - 3

Sub configuration processor


This processor compiles new configuration and returns it in place where the tag has been used. The configuration file path is relative to the path to the configuration folder

Tag rules:

  • Value has to be string


!sub path/in/depth/file

Environment processor


This processor takes configuration of from environment directory and compiles it like sub configuration processor. Environment directory can be passed from di container. By default environment is 'dev'.

Tag rules:

  • Value has to be string


!env config

Merge tag processor


Merges tag values in one array. Uses Yiisoft/ArrayHelper.

Tag rules:

  • Tag value has to be array or list
  • Tag has to contain at least 2 element
  • Each element has be array or list


- [ some value, another value ]
- { key: value, anotherKey: another value }

Concatenate processor


Concatenate processor takes list of strings and sums it in one

Tag rules:

  • Value has to be array of string


- some
- string
- is

Interpret processor


This processor interprets incoming expression as php code. Be careful with this. Incoming strings wraps by template return {value}; and sends in eval function.

Tag rules:

  • Value has to be string


!interpret '$_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']'

Variable processor


This processor provides ability to create global configuration variables in yaml. It has two work modes: 1) Set mode; 2) Get mode.

Tag rules:

  • Value has to contain key and value (IF YOU WANT SET)
  • Key has to be string (ONLY SET MODE)
  • Value has to be string.
  • Value has to be in 'container'. It means you has to set variable before call it!.


# set var
- !var { set: variable, value: some value' }
# get var
- !var variable

Get processor


Get processor helps to get some curtain value from another configuration or list. To use it you have to specify key ( what you want) and from (where from need to get).

Tag rules:

  • Value has to be list with key and from keys.
  • key has to be string (for associative array) or int (for indexed array)
  • from has to be array or list


!get { key:element, from: { element: value } }