
Simple routing system

1.1.0 2021-03-30 06:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-20 02:50:10 UTC



Hulotte Routing is a simple routing system. This package respects PSR7 standards.


The easiest way to install Hulotte Routing is to use Composer with this command :

$ composer require hulotte/routing

How to declare routes ?

Instanciate the RouteDispatcher class

$dispatcher = new \Hulotte\Routing\RouteDispatcher();

Add routes with addRoute method. The necessary parameters are : a path, a name and a callable.

$dispatcher->addRoute('/accueil', 'accueil', function(){
    return 'Hello World';

You can precise method with the last parameter ('GET' by default).

$dispatcher->addRoute('/accueil', 'accueil', function(){
    return 'Hello World';
}, 'POST');

$dispatcher->addRoute('/accueil', 'accueil', function(){
    return 'Hello World';
}, ['GET', 'POST']);

You can add other routes with the fluent way :

$dispatcher->addRoute('/accueil', 'accueil', function(){
        return 'Hello World';
    ->addRoute('/blog', 'blog', function(){
        return 'Welcome on my blog';

With parameters

Parameters need to be declare like this : {parameterName:parameterRegex} and each parameter need to be separate by a '/'. The parameters will be available on the callable by import the request.

$dispatcher->addRoute('/article/{id:\d+}/{slug:[a-z-]*}', 'accueil', function(ServerRequestInterface $request){
    $params = $request->getAttributes();

How to use routing system ?

When routes are declared there's two ways to use Hulotte Routing :

Manuel method

Example of use :

// $request is an object that implements ServerRequestInterface
// Response is an object that implements ResponseInterface

$route = $dispatcher->match($request);

if ($route === null) {
    return new Response(404, [], 'Not found !');

$callable = $route->getCallable();

return new Response(200, [], call_user_func_array($callable, [$request]));

Using class for callback

You can use a class or a class method as a callback.

If you want to use a class per route :

class MyClass 
    public function __invoke(ServerRequestInterface $request)
        return 'Hello World';

Return New Response(200, [], call_user_func_array(new MyClass(), [$request]));

Or if you want to use a class method as a callback :

class MyClass 
    public function myMethod(ServerRequestInterface $request)
        return 'Hello World';

Return New Response(200, [], call_user_func_array([new MyClass(), 'myMethod'], [$request]));


A RouterMiddleware class is available. This middleware erase ending slash on url with a 301 redirection, return a 404 error if the route does not exists and create response.

It's necessary to instanciate RouteDispatcher and define routes before use the middleware.

new \Hulotte\Middlewares\RoutingMiddleware($dispatcher);

It's possible to define custom callable for error 404.

$routingMiddleware = new \Hulotte\Middlewares\RoutingMiddleware($dispatcher);
    return 'Oups, not found !';

Important !

If you use a class method as callback with the middleware, the name of the route must be the same as the name of the class.

Ditto if you define a class method for notFoundCallable, the class method name must be 'notFoundCallable'.