
A simple package to encourage/force developers to write tests.

0.1.1 2023-07-17 07:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 11:36:09 UTC


A simple package to encourage/force developers to write tests.

Why I built this package?

I'm working with multiple junior developers in multiple projects.

I always want to find a way to encourage/force them to write tests.

And I want this process to be integrated into the CI/CD and pre-push workflow.


composer require "howtomakeaturn/easy-coverage:^0.1"


Let's say you think App\Services namespace is very important, and you want to force all developers to write tests for every public method under this namespace.

Here is the basic example:


namespace Tests\Coverage;

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Howtomakeaturn\EasyCoverage\EasyCoverage;

class CoverageTest extends TestCase
    public function testCoverage()
        $coverage = new EasyCoverage();



        if ($coverage->result()) {
        } else {
            $num = count($coverage->missingMethods());

            $str = implode(', ', $coverage->missingMethods());

            $msg = "You need to write tests for these $num methods: $str";


Anytime you create a new test for the related methods, use PHP 8 Attribute Syntax to label them:


namespace Tests\Unit;

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Howtomakeaturn\EasyCoverage\Target;

class SimpleTaskOneTest extends TestCase
    public function testBasicTest()
        $task = new \App\Services\SimpleTaskOne();



And that's it!

Anyone who creates new public methods in any classes under App\Services have to write tests!

If you want to ignore some methods, you can use


If you want to ignore some classes, you can use


If you want to ignore certain methods in classes, you can use


Recommended workflow

  1. You specify multiple namespaces that you think writing tests are necessary.

  2. Run EasyCoverage in PHPUnit & CI/CD & pre-push workflow.

  3. Anyone who writes new public methods under these namespaces will be forced to write tests!

How does this work behind the scenes?

  1. EasyCoverage finds out all the public & non-static methods under the namesapces you specify.

  2. EasyCoverage finds out all the class methods you labeled with Howtomakeaturn\EasyCoverage\Target attribute under the Tests namespace.

  3. EasyCoverage compares two array values from above and then return the result.


The EasyCoverage is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.