

This client is used to create payments for hPayments SaaS system.

Table of content


composer require hostinger/hpayments-client-php

How To

Minimal Details Usage


use Hpayments\APIContext;
use Hpayments\MerchantAccounts;
use Hpayments\Item;
use Hpayments\Items;
use Hpayments\Payer;
use Hpayments\Payment;
use Hpayments\RedirectUrls;
use Hpayments\Transaction;

$payer = new Payer([
    'email'             => '',
    'custom_account_id' => 'h_123'

$transaction = new Transaction([
    'amount'         => '9999',
    'currency'       => 'EUR',
    'description'    => 'Payment for hosting.',
    'invoice_number' => '123',
    'three_d_secure' => '1'

$item = new Item([
    'name'         => 'Premium Hosting',
    'price_now'    => '1111',

$itemBag = new Items();

$redirectUrls = new RedirectUrls(['cancel' => '', 'return' => '']);

$paymentsApi = new APIContext('your_api_token', 'http://localhost');
$response    = $paymentsApi->getMerchantAccounts();

$merchantAccounts = new MerchantAccounts($response['data']['merchant_account_ids']);

$payment = new Payment();

$response = $paymentsApi->createPayment($payment);

if (!$response['success']){
    echo $response['error']['message'];
} else {
    echo $response['data']['redirect_link'];

Full Details Usage


use Hpayments\APIContext;
use Hpayments\MerchantAccounts;
use Hpayments\Item;
use Hpayments\Items;
use Hpayments\Payer;
use Hpayments\Payment;
use Hpayments\RedirectUrls;
use Hpayments\Transaction;

$payer = new Payer([
    'email'             => '',
    'custom_account_id' => 'h_123',
    'first_name'        => 'John',
    'last_name'         => 'Doe',
    'country_code'      => 'LT',
    'zip'               => '12345',
    'city'              => 'Vilnius',
    'address'           => 'Mokyklos g.18'

$transaction = new Transaction([
    'amount'         => '9999',
    'currency'       => 'EUR',
    'description'    => 'Payment for hosting.',
    'invoice_number' => '123',
    'three_d_secure' => '1',
    'legal_document' => '1231231230',
    'vat_percent'    => '15',
    'vat_amount'     => '1000',
    'meta_data'      => [
        'reseller_id'     => '5',
        'reseller_domain' => ''

$item = new Item([
    'name'         => 'Premium Hosting',
    'price_now'    => '1111',
    'price_before' => '2222',
    'period'       => 'Annually (Pay Every 12 Months)',

$item2 = new Item([
    'name'         => 'Premium Hosting',
    'price_now'    => '1111',
    'price_before' => '2222',
    'period'       => 'Annually (Pay Every 12 Months)',

$itemBag = new Items();

$redirectUrls = new RedirectUrls(['cancel' => '', 'return' => '']);

$paymentsApi = new APIContext('your_api_token', 'http://localhost');
$response    = $paymentsApi->getMerchantAccounts();

$merchantAccounts = new MerchantAccounts($response['data']['merchant_account_ids']);

$payment = new Payment();

$response = $paymentsApi->createPayment($payment);

if (!$response['success']){
    echo $response['error']['message'];
} else {
    echo $response['data']['redirect_link'];

Future payment usage

        $futurePayment = new FuturePayment();

        $futurePayment->setPayerDetails(new Payer([
            'email'             => '',
            'custom_account_id' => 'h_123123',
            'document_required' => 1

        $futurePayment->setRedirectUrls(new RedirectUrls([
            'return' => '',
            'cancel' => ''


        return $this->client->createFuturePayment($futurePayment);

Direct payments usage

For direct payments usage, read which is located in docs/DirectPayments in this repository.

  • You can find all available REST endpoints in APIContext.php file

Run PHPUnit Tests

  1. composer install --dev to install 5.7 PHPUnit.
  2. run ./vendor/bin/phpunit --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php tests/PostBodyTest.php
  3. if you have local hPayments environment you can also run integration tests
    ./vendor/bin/phpunit --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php tests/LocalIntegrationTest.php


MIT license