
This library takes good care of URI or URL of a page.

1.0 2017-03-18 13:25 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-08 18:27:26 UTC


Github: https://github.com/horlarme/uriman


uriman is a PHP library which is meant to manipulate the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of a particular web site or page. uriman is developed to work with all PHP versions.


File folder structure of uriman.

  • uriman (folder)
    • src (folder)
      • uriman.php (file) The main class or program.
    • Vendor (folder) Composer Folder and File
  • index.php (file) A test file to test the program, please delete before final production.


To start the library, include the main class using the code below

include_once "uriman/src/uriman.php";

Or you could just add the library directly to your app using composer

composer require horlarme/uriman


use uriman\uriman; //uriman namespace

$uri = new uriman; //Using the class file

Use the below code to start or instantiate uriman to get what it needs to function

$uri->start(); //Starting uriman

To get the full address of the current page

echo "My Address: " . $uri->address . "<br />\n"; //Get the complete URL address of the current page

To get the value of a url/uri query

echo "The value for name: " . $uri->show("name") . "<br />\n"; //Getting the value of a URI query

To edit a value of a uri query

$uri->edit("name", "Lawal Oladipupo");

The below code output the uri queries as an array

echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre><br />";

The below code output the uri values as JSON format

echo "JSON Format:" . $uri->uri_json;

Note: Please this is the first production file, so there might be some issues and also, the script doesn't produce/provide any error notice, if it doesn't work, you'll have to debug manually.

Contact the developer: lawboi4love@gmail.com