
Static Behavior for Yii2

1.1.0 2019-03-06 08:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 01:27:37 UTC


Build Status codecov

This package implements static behavior to allow you append behavior-like event handlers to external objects.

Usage example: You use package that contains ActiveRecord. If you need to handle some events of this record (beforeInsert, afterInsert etc.), this package definitely for you.

It uses static yii\base\Event::on() and yii\base\Event::off() under the hood.

The main advantage of using this static behavior:

  • event handler class (ItemInterface) will be instantiated before event will be called, so dependencies will be lazy-loaded too.


composer require horat1us/yii2-static-behavior


  • StaticBehavior - main class that deals with attaching and detaching handlers.
  • Bootstrap - configurable application bootstrap class. It use StaticBehavior to attach handlers before application request and detach after request.
  • ItemInterface - describes simple event handler (to be used in StaticBehavior).
  • Item - abstract ItemInterface implementation. Allows to configure handlers (for example methods) for different events.
  • Bootstrap\Behavior - behavior to attach handlers before action and detach after controller/module action. Should be used if some handlers will be used only when module executed.



First, you need to implement ItemInterface. Then, configure your StaticBehavior with implemented items.

Note: you can use \Closure instead of item classes (not recommended)


namespace Example;

use yii\db;
use yii\base;
use Horat1us\Yii\StaticBehavior;

class ExternalRecord extends db\ActiveRecord
    // some implementation you cannot change

$staticBehavior = new StaticBehavior([
    'target' => ExternalRecord::class,
    'items' => [
        base\Model::EVENT_BEFORE_VALIDATE => function(base\Event $event) {
            // you can handle event in \Closure
        base\Model::EVENT_AFTER_VALIDATE => [
            // custom item implementation
            'class' => StaticBehavior\Item::class,
        db\ActiveRecord::EVENT_INIT => [
            // or use interface to implement items
            'class' => StaticBehavior\ItemInterface::class,

// To attach event handlers to class

// To detach attached event handlers from class

Detailed example


To bootstrap your application you should use Bootstrap. It will attach handlers before application request and detach it after request.


use Horat1us\Yii\StaticBehavior;

// config.php

return [
    'bootstrap' => [
        'class' => StaticBehavior\Bootstrap::class,
        'behaviors' => [
            // StaticBehavior references. See previous section for examples.


Main purpose of items - lazy dependency injection for event handlers. You can define dependencies in constructor or use yii2-way configuration (prefered).

Item that handles yii\db\ActiveRecord events: Example (handle yii\db\ActiveRecord events)


This behavior should be used when some handlers will be used only in one module. For example:

  • sending messages after authentication
  • sending message with token for two-factor authentication

It can be used with controller or any another component (you will need to configure events).

Example (authorization tokens)

