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Laravel Sms

1.2.1 2024-06-02 18:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-02 19:47:29 UTC


Laravel Iran Sms

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This is a Laravel Package for Sms Senders Integration. This package supports Laravel 8+, all tests passed for laravel 8, 9, 10 and 11!

Benefits of this package:

  • Multiple drivers
  • Support create custom drivers
  • Have Fake build in driver, it can send success or failure sms/voice call message. (Can use in development and testing modes)
  • Store sms reports in database
  • Have a tools in only development mode in http://localhost/sms/get-sms-list (Your frontend developer can use it for access latest sms send with fake driver for example needs to otp codes, when he/she is developing some parts like forgot password)

List of contents

List of available drivers

Note: for using each of them check config file and use the needed env in your env file like username/password or api key depend on witch driver you use.

Note: to use magfa/sms online/avanak you should install php ext-soap.

.env file for each driver:

fake sms sender

// Use in your local .env file


// It's optional if you want you can set a number



// Use in your production .env file if you want to use Kavenegar as default sms driver


// Your kavenegar account api key



// Use in your production .env file if you want to use Magfa as default sms driver


SMS_MAGFA_USERNAME=your magfa user name

SMS_MAGFA_PASSWORD=your magfa password

SMS_MAGFA_DOMAIN=your magfa domain

SMS_MAGFA_SENDER_NUMBER=your number in magfa you want to send sms with it

Sms Online

// Use in your production .env file if you want to use Sms Online as default sms driver


SMS_ONLINE_USERNAME=your smsonline user name

SMS_ONLINE_PASSWORD=your smsonline password

SMS_ONLINE_SENDER_NUMBER=your number in smsonline you want to send sms with it

Avanak (voice caller)

// Use in your production .env file if you want to use Sms Online as default sms driver


VOICE_AVANAK_USERNAME=your avanak user name

VOICE_AVANAK_PASSWORD=your avanak password

you can create your own custom drivers if it does not exist in the list, read the Create custom drivers section.


Via Composer

$ composer require hooman-mirghasemi/laravel-iran-sms

Publish Vendor Files

It is optional and only if you need you can publish vendor files by these commands:

  • publish configuration files:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=iran-sms-config
  • publish views for customization:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=iran-sms-views
  • publish migration:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=iran-sms-migrations

.env file

You can use SMS_DRIVER env for set default sms driver. (in local don't change it, by default it set fake driver)

And also can use VOICE_CALL_DRIVER env. it is like SMS_DRIVER, but for voice call.

How to use

There are two option of using this package:

1- use Facades

2- use Channels

Working with Facades

You can use Sms or VoiceCall facades in anywhere of your code like this:

// At the top of the file.
use HoomanMirghasemi\Sms\Facades\Sms;

Sms::to('+989121234567')->message('your sms text')->send();

//Also you can set driver in run time:
Sms::driver('magfa')->to('+989121234567')->message('your sms text')->send();

available methods:

  • to: set the mobile number should get sms.
  • message: the text message can be a simple string or object of a class implement HoomanMirghasemi\Sms\Contracts\Message interface
  • send: send the message.

Working with Channels (use laravel notification classes)

Make a laravel notification class, set via SmsChannel like this code:

// At the top of the file.
use HoomanMirghasemi\Sms\Channels\SmsChannel;
use HoomanMirghasemi\Sms\Contracts\Message\Message;

public function __construct(public SomeModel $someModel)
    $this->via = SmsChannel::class;

public function toSms(User $notifiable)
    $smsMessage = 'make your sms text ';
    // only if using kavehnegar set the pattern name
    $pattern = 'kavenagarMyPatternName';

    $message = new Message($smsMessage);
            'token1' => 'test',
            'token10' => $notifiable->name,
            'token20' => $this->family

    return Sms::to($notifiable->mobile)

Change condition of showing sms list page

By default when your laravel application is in production mode this page will response 404. But if you want have a diffrent condition publish config file and change this part like this code or some thing you want:

// default config is:
'dont_show_sms_list_page_condition' => function() {
    return config('app.env') == 'production';

// you can check domain:
'dont_show_sms_list_page_condition' => function() {
    return config('app.env') == 'production' || config('app.url') == 'https://yourproductiondomain.com';

now if you forgot to set app.env to production or temporary change it, it will be safe and return 404.

Create custom drivers:

Option A:

We welcome your participation, Create your driver and send a pull request.

Option A: This package is using strategy design pattern and laravel Manager class. so you can easily make your driver like this:


namespace App;

use HoomanMirghasemi\Sms\Abstracts\Driver;

class MyCustomDriver extends Driver
    public static bool $successSend = true;

    public function __construct(protected array $settings)
        $this->from = data_get($this->settings, 'from');

    public function send(): bool
        // write api of sending sms by your custom provider

        return parent::send();
    public function getBalance(): string
         // write api of getting account balance from your custom provider
         return $balance;

And register it into manager class in any of your service providers class like this:

$smsManager = app('sms');

$smsManager->extend('myCustomDriver', function ($app) {
    $setting = ['from' => '22336'];
    return new MyCustomDriver($setting);

// or using laravel ioc

$this->app->bind(MyCustomDriver::class, function () {
    $setting = ['from' => '22336'];
    return new MyCustomDriver($config);

$smsManager->extend('myCustomDriver', function ($app) {
    return $this->container->make(MyCustomDriver::class);

// or you can publish config file and add setting of your driver into it. then:

$this->app->bind(MyCustomDriver::class, function () {
    $config = config('sms.drivers.mycustomdriver') ?? [];
    return new MyCustomDriver($config);

$smsManager->extend('myCustomDriver', function ($app) {
    return $this->container->make(MyCustomDriver::class);


You can listen for this event

  • SmsSentEvent: Occurs when sms send. (the package use it to collect report into db)


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.