homer / kuaidi100
access to logistics system via kuaidi100
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^6.1
Requires (Dev)
- phpspec/phpspec: ^2.4
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-01-18 20:46:42 UTC
Use APIs exposed by Kuaidi100 to implement logisitics query service.
Demo Snippt
Request API key (the below) from Kuaidi1000, and try the following code:
use Homer\Logistics\Kuaidi100\Service as LogisticsService; $service = new LogisticsService(<YOUR_COMPANY_NAME>, <KEY>); // - or the full version // $service = new LogisticsService(<YOUR_COMPANY_NAME>, <KEY>, $optionsOfService, $instanceOfClient); // to start tracking waybill $service->track(<waybill#>, $options); // handle on waybill's status update $service->handleWaybillUpdated($notification, Closure $callback); // eagerly query logistics of some waybill $logistics = $service->query(<CODE_OF_LOGISTICS_COMPANY>, <waybill#>, <FROM_LOCATION>, <TO_LOCATION>);
__construct($name, $key, array $options = [], ClientInterface $client = null)
name of the your company (it will be used when eagerly query logistics)$key
API key (from Kuaidi100)$options
some configurations, including:notification_url
the url to receive notification on waybill's status updatesalt
(optional) a globally choosen value for response's signature verification.
- $client (optional)http client
start tracking some waybill
You can start tracking some waybill's logistics by calling the track
track($waybillNo, array $options = [])
waybill's number (of the waybill to track)$options
options, including:- company 快递公司编码
- from 出发地城市,格式: 省市区。例如: 广东省深圳市南山区
- to 目的地城市,格式: 省市区。例如: 北京市朝阳区
- salt (optional)签名用随机字符串(如果指定将覆盖构造函数中设定的salt,如果两处都没有设定,将使用运单号即waybillNo作为盐值)
- international (optional)是否开启国际订单 true开启(缺省), false不开启
- notification_url (optional)接受通知的地址(如果使用,将覆盖构造函数中指定的notification_url)
Return value of this method is a boolean value, true on success, false otherwise. Status/new logistics of the waybill will be notified once tracking is applied.
handle waybill's status update
handleWaybillUpdated($notification, Closure $callback, $salt = null)
- $notification (string) waybill status update
- $salt (string|null) salt used for signature verification
The returned value is an object containing updated status (with 'tracking', 'domestic' and an optional 'overseas' fields).
- tracking 跟踪
- | |---- status 跟踪状态, polling:监控中,shutdown:结束,abort:中止,updateall:重新推送。
- | |---- message 跟踪状态相关消息
- | |---- fake 是否被认为是假运单(到快递公司查不到运单)
- |
- domestic 国内物流
- | |---- state 当前签收状态,0在途中、1已揽收、2疑难、3已签收、4退签、5同城派送中、6退回、7转单
- | |---- signed 是否签收 false未签收、true已签收
- | |---- waybillNo 运单号
- | |---- company 快递公司编码
- | |---- items 物流信息(多项)
- | |---- time 时间
- | |---- state 状态
- | |---- desc 内容
- |
- overseas 国际物流 数据结构与国内物流相同
(sync) Query the waybill's status
Eagerly check status of some waybill.
query($company, $waybillNo, $from, $to)
the logistics company's code$waybillNo
waybill's number$from
出发地城市,格式: 省市区。例如: 广东省深圳市南山区$to
目的地城市,格式: 省市区。例如: 北京市朝阳区
The return value contains only domestic logistics for now.