holistic-agency / decouple
decoupling interfaces
2024-11-20 13:04 UTC
Decoupling interfaces.
This package is a very light and agnostic set of interfaces and implementations designed to fake or render unpredictable return values of some PHP native functions dealing with external concerns.
composer require holistic-agency/decouple:^1.0
This package implememts psr\clock
. See https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-20/
The Clock now()
method returns a new DateTimeImmutable object
with the current time acccording to the php date.timezone
The Frozen\Clock now()
method returns the DateTimeImmutable object
passed to the constructor.
// src/MyClass.php use HolisticAgency\Decouple\ClockInterface; use Psr\Clock\ClockInterface; class MyClass { public function myMethod(ClockInterface $clock) { // some code ... $now = $clock->now()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s T'); // some code ... } } // src/Elsewhere.php use HolisticAgency\Decouple\Clock; $myClass = new Myclass(); $myClass->myMethod(new Clock()); // tests/MyClassTest.php use HolisticAgency\Decouple\Frozen\Clock; class MyClassTest { public function testMyMethod() { // Given $myTestClass = new MyClass(); $frozen = new Clock(new DateTimeImmutable('2022-02-05 16:32:29 CET')); // When $actual = $myTestClass->myMethod($frozen); // Then // assert what you need // knowing $now is equal to '2022-02-05 16:32:29 CET' // inside myMethod() } }
The MersenneTwister draw()
method returns an integer from a mt_rand()
The Frozen\NumberGenerator draw()
method returns one of ordered values passed to the constructor cyclically.
$generator = new MersenneTwister(); $unknon = $generator->draw(); // an integer between 0 and PHP_INT_MAX included $generator = new MersenneTwister(1, 6); $diceType = 'D' . strval($generator->max); // D6 $diceRoll = $generator->draw() ; // an integer between 1 and 6 included if ($diceRoll == $this->min) { echo $diceType . ' roll, you loose.'; // if 1 is rolled } $guesser = new Frozen\NumberGenerator(10, 17, 1); $cheater = $guesser->draw(); // 10 $cheater = $guesser->draw(); // 17 $cheater = $guesser->draw(); // 1 $cheater = $guesser->draw(); // 10
method | native PHP call |
freeSpace($directory) | disk_free_space($directory) |
documentRoot() | $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] or empty string ('' ) |
pid() | getmypid() |
umask() | umask() |
method | native PHP call |
sapi() | PHP_SAPI |
version() | PHP_VERSION |
extensions() | get_loaded_extensions() |
memory() | ini_get('memory_limit') or empty string ('' ) |
method | native PHP call |
hostname() | gethostname() or empty string ('' ) |
ipV4() | gethostbyname() |
httpHost() | $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] or empty string |
resolve($remote) | gethostbyname($remote) or empty string |
// src/MyNetwork.php use HolisticAgency\Decouple\NetworkInterface; class MyNetwork { public checkIfRemoteIsAvailable(NetworkInterface $network, string $remote): bool { return $network->resolve($remote) != ''; } } // tests/MyNetworkTest.php use HolisticAgency\Decouple\Frozen\Network as FrozenNetwork; class MyNetworkTest { public function testCheckIfRemoteIsAvailable() { // Given $myTestClass = new MyNetwork(); $frozen = new FrozenNetwork( 'production.local', '', 'app.my.org', ['proxy.inside.local' => ''], ); // When $actual1 = $myTestClass->checkIfRemoteIsAvailable($frozen, 'api.outside.net'); $actual2 = $myTestClass->checkIfRemoteIsAvailable($frozen, 'proxy.inside.local'); // Then // $actual1 is false // $actual2 is tue } }