
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A very small ORM library

dev-master / 1.0.x-dev 2016-12-16 16:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-07-30 19:16:49 UTC


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A very small ORM library. It doesnt have any kind of caching, nor instance management. I've built it as a learning tool and maybe at some point it will be usable, but always as a very thin layer.



The config can be something like:

    'repositoryFqcn' => MySqlPdoRepository::class,
    'dateTimeFormat' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s',
    'collectionFqcn' => Collection::class
    'dataMapper' => [
        Entity::class => [
            'entityFcqn'                 => Entity::class,
            // if not set, it will be inferred from the entity name,
            // if it doesnt exit, the default Repository will be used
            'repositoryFqcn'             => EntityRepository::class,
            'table'                      => ClassHelper::extractCanonicalClassName(Entity::class),
            'propertyToColumnNameMapper' => array_combine($properties, $properties),
            'collectionFqcn'             => Collection::class,
            'attributes' => [
                'id' => [ // by convention its always 'id'
                    'column' => 'id',
                    'type' => 'integer', // by convention its always an integer
                'aProperty' => [
                    'column' => 'aColumn_name',
                    'type' => 'integer', // integer, float, boolean, string, text, datetime


For simple queries we can use the client select method as:

$table = 'DummyTable';
$filter = [
    'propA' => true,
    'propB' => null,
    'propC' => ['filterC1' => 5, 'filterC2' => null],
$orderBy = [
    'propA' => 'ASC',
    'propB' => 'DESC',

$this->client->select($table, $filter, $orderBy);

And the code above generates the following SQL:

FROM `DummyTable` 
    AND `propB` IS :propB_filter 
    AND (`propC`=:filterC1_filter OR `propC` IS :filterC2_filter) 

But for more complex queries we should do them custom and just pass them to the client executeQuery method, ie:

$sql = 'SELECT * 
        FROM `DummyTable` 
            AND `propB` IS :propB_filter 
            AND (`propC`=:filterC1_filter OR `propC` IS :filterC2_filter) 
        ORDER BY propA ASC, propB DESC';
$filter = [
    'propA' => true,
    'propB' => null,
    'propC' => ['filterC1' => 5, 'filterC2' => null],

$this->executeQuery($sql, $filter);


  • All entities have an ID, who's property name is 'id', column name is 'id' and type is int
  • The default DB to be used is the first registered


To install the library, run the command below and you will get the latest version:

composer require hgraca/micro-orm


To run the tests run:

make test

Or just one of the following:

make test-acceptance
make test-functional
make test-integration
make test-unit
make test-humbug

To run the tests in debug mode run:

make test-debug


To generate the test coverage run:

make coverage

Code standards

To fix the code standards run:

make cs-fix


  • Cleanup and test Repository
  • Cleanup and test DataMapper
  • Cleanup and test Config
  • Document how to use repositories and query classes, and how not to
  • Create a relational config format, like the Doctrine yml config, but with arrays
  • Implement lazy loading
  • Create an EntityManager, management so we only save entities in the end of the request and works as a 1st level cache
  • Implement 2nd level caching
  • Implement eager loading