
Package for laravel and livewwire with HMVC convept

1.0.0 2023-11-02 06:31 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:40:48 UTC


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This package is a support package for the hexters/laramodule package specifically made to integrate hexters/laramodule with livewire version 3.

To install through Composer, by run the following command:

composer require hexters/wirehmvc



By default the module classes are not loaded automatically. You can autoload your modules using psr-4. For example :

  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "App\\": "app/",
      "Modules\\": "Modules/",
      "Database\\Factories\\": "database/factories/",
      "Database\\Seeders\\": "database/seeders/"

And make Modules directory in your root project folder

mkdir Modules

Don't forget to run the commands below

composer dump-autoload

Manually add LivewireHandleUpdateProvider to the list of providers in the app.php config file

. . .

'providers' => ServiceProvider::defaultProviders()->merge([
    * Package Service Providers...

    Hexters\Wirehmvc\LivewireHandleUpdateProvider::class, // add here

    * Application Service Providers...
    . . . 

Important notes

If you want to use the mount() hook, make sure you run the parent::mount() for the parent class, see the example below.

. . .

use Hexters\Wirehmvc\Component;

. . .

class Welcome extends Component
  public function mount() {

    // Your code here...
  public function render()
      return view('admin::livewire.welcome');

. . .

Create Module

Follow the command below to create a module, and select Livewire in preset option!

php artisan module:make Blog

You can also do this with an existing module, but remember that. The route.php file will be replaced by a new file.

php artisan module:livewire-init --module=Blog


php artisan module:make-livewire Counter --module=Blog
php artisan module:livewire-attribute ArticleTileAttribute --module=Blog
php artisan module:livewire-form ArticleForm --module=Blog
php artisan module:livewire-delete Counter --module=Blog

More complete commands can be seen at the link below.

Artisan Documentation


You need a layout for your livewire component, you can use the default layout from livewire and you can also create one specifically for your module.

Default command from livewire

php artisan livewire:layout

Custom for specific modules

php artisan module:livewire-layout --name=app --module=Blog

Rendering components

Rendering components can only be done on components in the module folder, or you can see Modules\Blog\Http\Middleware\LivewireSetupBlogMiddleware class. I assume the module name is Blog!

In order for a component to be used in another module, you need to register it first, open the provider in each of your modules, see the example below.

. . .

class BlogServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
  . . .

  protected function defineLivewireComponents()
      return [

          // OR

          'nav-bar' => NavBar::class,

Each declared component will be given a prefix according to the module name, so when calling it, you need to add a prefix in front of it, see the example below.

<livewire:blog-nav-bar />