hexters / auth
Hexters/Auth is a powerful starter kit package for Laravel that simplifies the implementation of basic authentication features and supports the creation of multiple authentication setups. Utilizing Livewire for dynamic interfaces and Volt for a modern admin panel, Hexters/Auth combines simplicity an
2024-06-25 10:22 UTC
- livewire/livewire: ^3.5
- livewire/volt: ^1.6
- robsontenorio/mary: ^1.33
Hexters/Auth is a Laravel package that allows you to create multiple authentication pages, similar to Laravel Breeze. The package is supported by Livewire Volt and TailwindCSS. For the components, this package uses maryUI.
Add the package repository by running the following command:
composer require hexters/auth
Install the package by running:
php artisan auth:install
To create a login page, simply follow this command:
php artisan make:auth
And last build assets
npm run build