
v1.1.0 2022-01-16 12:49 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-21 23:53:02 UTC


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Functions for working with HTML tags.



use function Php\Html\Tags\HtmlTags\make;
use function Php\Html\Tags\HtmlTags\append;
use function Php\Html\Tags\HtmlTags\node;
use function Php\Html\Tags\HtmlTags\toString;
use function Php\Html\Tags\HtmlTags\addChild;
use function Php\Html\Tags\HtmlTags\hasChildren;
use function Php\Html\Tags\HtmlTags\getName;
use function Php\Html\Tags\HtmlTags\getValue;

$p = node('p', 'paragraph');
$ul = node('ul');
$ul2 = addChild($ul, node('li', 'body'));
$ul3 = addChild($ul2, node('li', 'another body'));
$dom1 = make();
$dom2 = append($dom1, $p);
$dom3 = append($dom2, $ul3);

// '<p>paragraph</p><ul><li>body</li><li>another body</li></ul>';

getName($p); // 'p'
getValue($p); // 'paragraph'
hasChildren($p); // false

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