
A Laravel Package to Log Requests

v1.2.2 2024-02-29 07:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-17 11:04:47 UTC


Flashlight Cover

Laravel Flashlight

Laravel-Flashlight is a minimal package to log incoming requests to your application; it is highly customizable and easy to install.

How to install?

Take these steps to install Flashlight.

Step #1

Install the package from Composer.

composer require hesamrad/laravel-flashlight

Step #2

Publish congifuration file.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="HesamRad\Flashlight\FlashlightServiceProvider" --tag="flashlight-config"

Step #3

Publish migration file. (Only if you want to store logs inside your database.)

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="HesamRad\Flashlight\FlashlightServiceProvider" --tag="flashlight-migration"

Step #4

Apply middleware on routes.

Route::middleware('flashlight')->group(function () {
    Route::get('/', [SomeController::class, 'index']);

And you're done!

Now every request that goes through Flashlight will be logged to be monitored later.

Note that all Flashlight logs are stored in flashlight.log file under storage/logs.

How to customize Flashlight?

Kill Switch

If you wish to turn Flashlight on/off for a short time, you can do so by editing enabled key inside flashlight.php config file under App/config.

'enabled' => true

Note that by default Flashlight is enabled.

Driver Option

There are a number of drivers you can choose to log the incoming requests to your application. You could choose file or database which will respectively store log records in a local file or a database table. You can change the driver by editing driver key inside flashlight.php config file under App/config. (This value corresponds to an existing key inside drivers array.)

'driver' => 'file'

Note that Flashlight uses file driver as its default driver.

HTTP Method Customization

If you wish to customize HTTP methods to log, you can do so by editing excluded_methods array inside flashlight.php config file under App/config.

For example:

'excluded_methods' => [

By doing this, all PUT requests are ignored by Flashlight.

Note that by default all HTTP method are logged by Flashlight.

Log Request Headers

If you wish to log request headers, you can do so by editing log_headers key inside flashlight.php config file under App/config.

'log_headers' => true

Note that by default request headers are logged by Flashlight.

Log Request Body

If you wish to log request body, you can do so by editing log_body key inside flashlight.php config file under App/config.

'log_body' => true

Note that by default request body is logged by Flashlight.

Request Parameters Customization

If you wish to customize request parameters to log, you can do so by editing excluded_parameters array inside flashlight.php config file under App/config.

For example:

'excluded_parameters' => [

By doing this, all specified parameters are ignored by Flashlight.

Note that by default password and password_confirmation parameters are ignored by Flashlight.

URI Customization

If you wish to customize URIs to log, you can do so by editing excluded_uris array inside flashlight.php config file under App/config.

For example:

'excluded_uris' => [

By doing this, all requests under /admins are ignored by Flashlight.

Note that by default all requests are logged by Flashlight.

Log table getting too big?

No problem! Flashlight comes with a prune command to remove old logs to maintain a lighter table inside your storage.

All you have to do, is to run php artisan flashlight:prune command to make this happen.

Note that by default value is 30 days; and Flashlight will remove anything older than that; so if you want to change this value to your liking, you can do so by editing prune_period array inside flashlight.php config file under App/config.