
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A middleware to load public assets

2.0.0 2019-01-21 15:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2019-08-18 18:26:50 UTC


Provides static files and asset loading when running in a un-traditional web server like Road Runner or React PHP.


composer require hermes-php/asset-middleware


The purpose of the asset middleware is to build a response containing a file if a certain uri matches an existing file in a directory.

The only requirement is that you provide an implementation of FileSource.

The AssetMiddleware comes with a factory that will allow you to instantiate in an easier fashion. By default, it will inject a service named Hermes\Asset\FileSource\FileSource into it.

Building the File Source

There are three default implementations of FileSource. Two of them are decorators.

The ResponseFactoryFileSource has a ResponseFactoryInterface as a dependency. It's shouldServeFile method returns true if the request method is GET and the serveFile method returns an instance of ResponseInterface using the factory.

The decorators are meant to be composed on top of the ResponseFactoryFileSource, even though you can pass them any FileSource implementation.

The AttachBodyFileSourceDecorator checks in the provided path matching the Request Uri exists (and also that the decorated FileSource returns true). If it does, then creates an stream out of that file using a PSR7 Stream Factory implementation, and injects it in the response as the body.

The ContentTypeFileSourceDecorator checks if the provided path has an extension that is in a map of extensions and content types allowed to be served. These include, by default, the most common file extensions that your application will be serving, but they are totally configurable.

An example of an implementation of a FileSource could look like this:


use Hermes\Asset\FileSource\ContentTypeFileSourceDecorator;
use Hermes\Asset\FileSource\AttachBodyFileSourceDecorator;
use Hermes\Asset\FileSource\ResponseFactoryFileSource;

$fileSource = new ContentTypeFileSourceDecorator(
    new AttachBodyFileSourceDecorator(
        new ResponseFactoryFileSource(new \Zend\Diactoros\ResponseFactory()),
        new \Zend\Diactoros\StreamFactory(),
    // You can provide an extension content type map that serves only these files.
        'ext' => 'some/content-type',
        'other' => 'other/content-type'    

You can implement custom decorators on top of these to attach transfer encoding header and and other things. We opted for composition to design the file source so you can reuse different parts and keep everything as flexible as possible. It scales much better than inheritance.

Of course, you can dump all this and make your own FileSource implementation from scratch.