
Invoke classes using their FQCN, and more!

v1.7.0 2023-05-31 06:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:40:07 UTC


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In PHP, whe have Closure::fromCallable(). Sadly, it does not work with FQCN strings.

This package ships a function that extends fromCallable allowing FQCN strings of invokable classes to become closures.


Just install with the following command.

composer require henzeb/closure


use function Henzeb\Closure\closure;

class InvokableClass
    public function __invoke() {
        print 'Hello World!';

class ReturnsClosures
    public function __invoke(): Closure {
        print fn()=>'Hello World!';

class NotInvokableClass
    public function invoke() {
        print 'Hello World!';

function helloWorld()
    print 'Hello World!';

closure(Invokable::class)(); // prints Hello World!
closure(new InvokableClass)(); // prints Hello World!

closure(ReturnsClosure::class)(); // prints Hello World!
closure(new ReturnsClosure())(); // prints Hello World!

closure('helloWorld')(); // prints Hello World!

        print 'Hello World!'
); // prints Hello World!;

closure(NotInvokable::class); // throws TypeError


Sometimes you may need to tell closure how to resolve your callable

use function Henzeb\Closure\closure;

class InvokableClass
    public function __construct(private $message)

    public function __invoke() {
        print $this->message;

    fn(string $class) => $class('Hello World!')
); // prints Hello World!

Note: While closure may throw a TypeError on creation, resolving of FQCN happens on actually calling the newly created closure. Resolving happens only the first time. Except when the invokable method returns a Closure, then the resolving takes place first to return this closure.


Closures are adorable hacky little creatures due to their ability to bind and change scopes. If you ever have that need you can use bind.

use function Henzeb\Closure\bind;

    fn()=> // do what you need
    , $anyThis
)('your Arg');

To use a FCQN or invokable class with binding, the __invoke function must return a Closure. Please note the return type! Without, it wil fail.

class InvokableClass {
    public function __invoke($hello): Closure {
        return $anyThis->hello($hello);
use function Henzeb\Closure\bind;

bind(InvokableClass::class, $anyThis)('your Arg');
bind(InvokableClass::class, $anyThis, AnyScope::class)('your Arg');

bind(new InvokableClass, $anyThis)('your Arg');

Bind will under the hood use closure to get a closure, and then binds the new this and scope to it. It then returns a Closure you can use.


You can also directly call a (binded) closure using call.

use function Henzeb\Closure\call;

    fn()=>'Hello world!'
); // returns Hello World!

); // returns whatever your callable returns

call(InvokableClass::class, $anyThis); // returns whatever your callable returns
); // returns whatever your callable returns
call(new InvokableClass, $anyThis);  // returns whatever your callable returns

    resolve: fn($class) => new $class('Hello World!')
); // returns whatever your callable returns

    fn()=>'Hello world!'
    , $anyThis
); // returns Hello World!

Invoking different methods

In some cases you'd like to wrap a non-callable FQCN or class. Each function accepts a parameter named invoke.

class NonInvokable {
    public function hello()
        print 'Hello World!';
use function Henzeb\Closure\closure;
use function Henzeb\Closure\bind;
use function Henzeb\Closure\call;

closure(NonInvokable::class, invoke: 'hello')(); // prints Hello World!;
bind(NonInvokable::class, $newthis, invoke: 'hello')(); // prints Hello World!;
call(NonInvokable::class, $newthis, invoke: 'hello'); // prints Hello World!;


To test an object is invokable, and thus can become a closure. The function accepts any value.

use function Henzeb\Closure\invokable;

invokable(NonInvokable::class); // returns false
invokable(NonInvokable::class, 'hello'); // returns true

invokable(InvokableClass::class); // returns true
invokable([]); // returns false
invokable(STDIN); // returns false


Sometimes you may expect a boolean or a callable. using closure, This would fail. Using wrap, anything that's not invokable, will be wrapped inside a closure.

use function Henzeb\Closure\wrap;

wrap(NonInvokable::class)(); // returns NonInvokable instance

wrap(true)(); // returns true
wrap(false)(); // returns true

wrap(InvokableClass::class)(); // returns what __invoke would return

    invoke: 'invokableMethod'
)(); // returns what invokableMethod would return

wrap([])(); // returns an empty array
wrap(STDIN)(); // returns the STDIN stream


In some cases you might want to know the current binding of a closure or invokable.

use function Henzeb\Closure\binding;

binding(function(){})->getScope(); // returns $newScope value
binding(function(){})->getThis(); // returns $newThis value

accessing static variables

When you have closures that uses the use clause or when you use static variables inside your closure you can access them with the following:

use function Henzeb\Closure\binding;

$myVariable = 'Hello World!';

$closure = function() use ($myVariable) {
    static $myStaticVariable;

    $myStaticVariable = 'Hello World!'

binding($closure)->get('myVariable'); // returns Hello World!
binding($closure)->get('myOtherVariable'); // returns null.

binding($closure)->get('myStaticVariable'); // returns null.

$closure(); //calling the closure

binding($closure)->get('myStaticVariable'); // returns Hello World!

debug info

You can use var_dump to print a list of all variables.

use function Henzeb\Closure\binding;


This will return an array with the current scope, the current this and any static variables associated with it.

Testing this package

composer test


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Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email henzeberkheij@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.



The GNU AGPLv. Please see License File for more information.