
Yii2 Database Backup and Restore functionality

Installs: 572

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0



dev-master 2018-12-10 12:24 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-12 15:25:04 UTC


##Check and sync database structure with filesystem and subversion

Database Backup and Restore functionality


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist helmut-kleinhans/yii2-dbtools "*"

or add

"helmut-kleinhans/yii2-dbtools": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Once the extension is installed, simply add it in your config by :

Basic config/web.php

Advanced [backend|frontend|common]/config/main.php

    'modules'    => [
        'dbtools' => [
            'class' => 'DbTools\DbToolsModule',
            //'checkDefiner' => 'root@%',       //used for manage tool to show warning if definer of procedure, 
                                                //function or trigger definer doesnt match
            //'exportDelimiter' => '$$',        //delimiter which will be used for export of Procedures,Functions 
                                                //and Triggers
            //'xmlValues' => '@app/values.xml', //input file for constants and error values
            //define behaviors for the manage controller
            'behaviorsManage' =>
                'access' => [
                    'class' => \yii\filters\AccessControl::className(),
                    'rules' => [
                            'allow' => true,
                            'matchCallback' => function ($rule, $action) {
                                return \backend\models\User::checkRoutePermission($action->id,$action->controller->id,$action->controller->module->id);
    'aliases'    => [
        '@DbToolsExport' => '@app/dbtools',     //folder to save exported and autogenerated files



Pretty Url's /dbtools/manage

No pretty Url's index.php?r=dbtools/manage

The DbTool interface reads out your database and does some checks.

###tables Can be saved to filesystem but need to be restored by hand.

  • Warnings
    • You can add a Warning by setting a table column comment to "Warning: xxxxx"

###procedures + functions + triggers Can be saved to filesystem and also be restored.

  • Brief Section (see Brief)
  • Warnings
    • Check-Warnings:
      • if SECURITY TYPE is not INVOKER
      • if DEFINER is not the definer set in config (modules=>dbtools=>checkDefiner)
      • if a DECLARE doesnt start with "m_" (DECLARE m_MyVar INT DEFAULT 0 ;)
      • if a DECLARE known ERROR doesnt match the error value / error type
      • if a DECLARE known CONST doesnt match the error value / error type
      • if a DECLARE starts with cConst or cError but is not set in values.xml

###views Can be saved to filesystem but need to be restored by hand.

###events Can be saved to filesystem but need to be restored by hand.


The brief section should be at the top of your procedure/function/trigger

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` PROCEDURE `myproc`(
               IN  inVar  INT UNSIGNED,
               OUT outVar BIGINT,
           @brief description of myproc
           @param  inVar      description of param1
           @param  outVar     description of param2
           DECLARE  ...
  • @brief
    • description of this item
  • @param [ParameterName]
    • description for the given parameter
  • @return
    • description of function return value
  • @warning [Warning Message Text]
    • adds a warning to manage interface
  • @note [Note Text]
    • adds a note to manage interface
  • @deprecated
    • used to mark the item as deprecated and adds a warning
  • @todo [Todo Text]
    • adds a todo to manage interface
  • @export
    • marks the item for autogeneration (see Autogen)
  • @select Name
    • You must add a "@select Name" for each select your procedure or subprocedures are outputting. Name is used for autogenerated classes to receive results in php (see Autogen) (Note: @export will be set to true)


Pretty Url's /dbtools/manage/autogen

No pretty Url's index.php?r=dbtools/manage/autogen

The auto generation tool is used to generate PHP files out of input xml (see values.xml) and Db procedures/functions (see Manage).

Autogenerated values

You can find an example.xml inside the extension folder


Please copy the file to your web folder and set the path inside your config (modules->dbtools->xmlValues)

This file is used to generate a php file, which contains user defined constants, errorcodes and also values that get exportet out of db.

The location where the generated file is saved can be set in config (aliases->@DbToolsExport). The final path will be:



<cat name="CatName1">
    <cat name="CatName2">
        <enum value="100">
            <error name="error1">Error Message1</error>
            <error name="error2">Error Message2</error>
<cat name="CatName3">
    <const name="const1" type="INT" value="1"/>
    <const name="const2" type="UNSIGNED INT" value="2"/>
    <sql name="dbvalues" db="db" table="tablename" colname="col4name" colvalue="col4value"/>

    <sqlenum name="dbenums" db="db" table="tablename" colenum="col4enum"/>

Will result in:

namespace DbToolsExport\dbvalues;

class DbValues
    const eError_CatName1_CatName2_error1 = 100;
    const eError_CatName1_CatName2_error2 = 101;
    const cConst_CatName3_dbvalues_value1 = 1;                                     //value 1
    const cConst_CatName3_dbvalues_value2 = 2;                                     //value 2
    const cConst_CatName3_dbenums_enum1 = 'enum_1';
    const cConst_CatName3_dbenums_enum2 = 'enum_2';
    const cConst_CatName3_dbenums_enum3 = 'enum_3';
    const cConst_CatName3_const1 = 1;
    const cConst_CatName3_const2 = 2;

    const ErrorMessages = [
            self::eError_CatName1_CatName2_error1 => 'Error Message1',
            self::eError_CatName1_CatName2_error2 => 'Error Message2',

    const DbTypes = [
            'cConst_CatName3_dbvalues_value1' => 'TINYINT UNSIGNED',
            'cConst_CatName3_dbvalues_value2' => 'TINYINT UNSIGNED',
            'cConst_CatName3_dbenums_enum1' => 'CHAR(7)',
            'cConst_CatName3_dbenums_enum2' => 'CHAR(7)',
            'cConst_CatName3_dbenums_enum3' => 'CHAR(7)',
            'cConst_CatName3_const1' => 'INT',
            'cConst_CatName3_const2' => 'UNSIGNED INT',

    const Keys = [

    public static function MessageByCode($errorcode)
        if (!array_key_exists($errorcode, static::ErrorMessages))
            return 'Unknown errorcode: ' . $errorcode;

        return static::ErrorMessages[$errorcode];
DECLARE eError_CatName1_CatName2_error1 SMALLINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 100;
DECLARE eError_CatName1_CatName2_error2 SMALLINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 101;
DECLARE cConst_CatName3_dbvalues_value1 TINYINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 2;
DECLARE cConst_CatName3_dbvalues_value2 TINYINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 1;
DECLARE cConst_CatName3_dbenums_enum1 CHAR(7) DEFAULT 'enum_1';
DECLARE cConst_CatName3_dbenums_enum2 CHAR(7) DEFAULT 'enum_2';
DECLARE cConst_CatName3_dbenums_enum3 CHAR(7) DEFAULT 'enum_3';
DECLARE cConst_CatName3_const1 INT DEFAULT 1;




Is used for grouping elements.

<cat name="CatName1" type="INT UNSIGNED">
  • name
    • The name is put in front of the children's name.
  • type
    • [Optional] The type is used to create the sql declare type. You can specify the type here to pass it on to all children, or place it separately in each child.

Is used to automatically set values to child elements and also increment them after each child.

<enum value="100">
  • value
    • The value is increased by 1 after each child.
  • type
    • [Optional] The type is used to create the sql declare type. You can specify the type here to pass it on to all children, or place it separately in each child.

Error codes should be used as Exceptions inside db procedures, functions and triggers and can be reveived via autogenerated classes. (see Manage and Autogen)

<error name="error1">Error Message1</error>
  • name
    • The name is used for that error
  • value
    • need to have ether value or get value from
  • Text
    • Text is used as default error message for db exception. You can set a custom message when you throw the error in db.

Should be used ether in php or in db. (see Manage)

<const name="const2" type="UNSIGNED INT" value="2"/>
  • name
    • The name is used for that constant
  • value
    • need to have ether value or get value from or set "bit"
  • bit
    • Used for generating bit values. You can give the Bits that should be set starting with 1.
    • Example to set bits 0x0001b, 0x0100b, 0x1000b => bit="1,3,4" => 13dec
  • type
    • [Optional] The type is used to create the sql declare type. You can specify the type here or get it from

Used to convert content of a db table to useable PHP constants.

<sql name="dbvalues" db="db" table="tablename" colname="col4name" colvalue="col4value"/>
  • name
    • The name is put in front of the children's name.
  • db
    • yiis db connection identifier used in yii config.xml -table
    • table that should be converted -colname
    • column that will be used for the name of the variables ( Note: all characters get removed that don't fit "a-zA-Z0-9_" and starting letter and letters after '_' will be set to uppercase ) -colvalue
    • column that will be used for the value of the variables
Sql Enum

Used to convert db column enums to useable PHP constants.

<sqlenum name="dbenums" db="db" table="tablename" colenum="col4enum"/>        
  • name
    • The name is put in front of the children's name. -table
    • table that should be converted -colenum
    • column that will be used for the name and value of the variables ( Note for name: all characters get removed that don't fit "a-zA-Z0-9_" and starting letter and letters after '_' will be set to uppercase )


To use autogenerated files you need to include

use DbToolsExport\dbvalues\DbValues;

and access the values by:

$error = DbValues::eError_CatName1_CatName2_error1;

Autogenerated classes

This file is used to generate a php file, which contains db Procedure or Function calls including the thrown error Exceptions. Furthermore it also adds class members for OUT parameters which will be filled automatically. Procedures can have select resultsets /see Brief/select. Functions have a return value function

To mark a procedure or function for export see Brief/export.

The location where the generated files are saved can be set in config (aliases->@DbToolsExport). The final path will be:

  • db
    • db connection key defined in config
  • procedurename
    • name of the procedure
  • functionname
    • name of the function


To use autogenerated classes you need to include

use DbToolsExport\dbclasses\db\dbFuncMyFunc;
//optional to receive exceptions
use DbTools\db\DbException;                                     

and execute it by:

$q = new dbFuncMyFunc('v1');
catch (DbException $e)
    echo 'ERROR ('.$e->getCode().'): '.$e->getMessage();

echo $q->getResult();